It's time for another #DarllenDyddLlun #BeginTheWeekWithABook (my brand new hashtag). I want to know what the people of and the wider mastoverse is reading.
I finished the Pete Paphides book, and moved on to Drift by Caryl Lewis. She's a well-respected author in Welsh, and this is her first novel in English. It wasn't quite the book I was expecting, but I think I enjoyed it more for that. And there were echoes of Pumed Kainc y Mabinogi by Peredur Lynch which I read earlier this year.
#begintheweekwithabook #darllendyddllun
Toot.Wales, it's time for another #DarllenDyddLlun (I'm still open to suggestions for an English hashtag.)
Beth ydych chi'n darllen wythnos 'ma? Yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg, neu unrhyw iaith arall.
What are you reading this week? In English or Welsh, or any other language for that matter.
I'm still on Broken Greek by Pete Paphides, but I've got Drift by Caryl Lewis on hold at the library, so hope to start that soon.
@sheepnik ar hyn o bryd dwi’n darllen “Pethau Patagonia” - atgofion Fred Green. Mae’n wych. #DarllenDyddLlun
@sheepnik Dim byd yn Gymraeg ar hyn o bryd, ond yn gweithio trwy lyfrau cyfres Hitchhiker's Guide Douglas Adams #DarllenDyddLlun
@sheepnik Dwi newydd dechrau ddarllen Twll Bach yn y Niwl gan Llio Elain Maddocks. Braidd yn gynnar i gynnig barn, ond mae pob adolygiad ohono rydw i wedi weld wedi fod yn wych! #DarllenDyddLlun
@sheepnik #DarllenDyddLlun rwy'n darllen Babel gan RF Kuang; mae'n dda iawn ond rwy'n brin o amser darllen felly ara deg rwy'n mynd drwyddo
@sheepnik Dw i'n darllen mwy yn Saesneg nag yn Gymraeg, ond yn meddwl am wneud mwy o ymdrech yn 2023. Ar hyn o bryd dw i'n darllen "The Heyday in the Blood" gan Geraint Goodwin (cyfres Library of Wales), "Lud-in-the-Mist" gan Hope Mirrlees, clasur ffantasiol, ac "Orlam", cerdd hir gan P.J.Harvey
@sheepnik #DarllenDyddLlun Yn Gymraeg “Oes yr Eira” gan Elidir Jones a Huw Aaron.
In English this week’s #comics including some cape stuff, the fantastic “#Starhenge” by Liam Sharp, and this month’s #PlanetMagazine.
Yn ddwyiethog/ Bilingually the latest #Gwyllion mag - Welsh theme SF & Fantasy
Some of those things need their own hashtags and greater visibilty.
#gwyllion #planetmagazine #starhenge #comics #darllendyddllun
@sheepnik Dwi'n darllen Fel Aderyn, gan Manon Steffan Ross. Mae'n stori dda, efo cymeriadau ddiddorol iawn, a throell wych yn y diwedd.
@sheepnik Ar hyn o bryd dw i'n darllen "Mynd fel Bom" gan Myfanwy Alexander (yn Gymraeg). Hefyd, dw i'n darllen "The Green Man's Gift" gan Juliet McKenna.
At the moment I'm reading "Mynd fel Bom" by Myfanwy Alexander (in Welsh). Also, I'm reading "The Green Man's Gift" by Juliet McKenna (in English).
Unknown Pleasures by Peter Hook.... again. Fascinating, funny and tragic
@sheepnik #darllendyddllun I've just started reading "No One is Talking About This" by Patricia Lockwood. Winner of this year's Dylan Thomas Prize.
I'm reading The Russian Doll by Marina Palmer
It's a contempary thriller and very twisty and turny. I'm most of the way through it and, unless something goes very awry, I'll be encouraging many people to read it.
I'd currently reading Broken Greek by Pete Paphides - his memoirs about growing up in a Greek / Cypriot family in Birmingham in the 70s and 80s, and the music that influenced him. It's quite sweet and funny, and though I'm about 10 years younger than him, I recognize a lot of what he writes, especially his reactions to music. Very enjoyable.
There's been some discussion here on about having regular / themed hashtags, so I'm going to suggest / instigate a new one and see if we can get this to be a thing.
::draws back shiny curtain::
#DarllenDyddLlun (Monday reading - Welsh only hashtag at the moment, because I can't think of a good English equivalent, but the alliteration / cynghanedd is too good to miss. Open to suggestions though.)
Beth ydych chi'n darllen? What are you reading? Tell about it.