Bob Kraft, Patriot’s owner, donates $18,003 to #DarmarHamlin #GoFundMePage. 18=Chai (Life in Hebrew) and 3=Damar’s number. #ProudJew #JewishHeritage
#jewishheritage #proudjew #gofundmepage #darmarhamlin
@realcaseyrollins @neanderthalsnavel
Here was the first result searching died suddenly high school football.
The first before I added football was a couple of kids playing basketball but I wondered if that was going to be too little impact for what you are say?
No one cares because it doesn't have national attention. #DiedSuddenly is ignored by those that don't want to hear about it but even then still trends. #DarmarHamlin only gets a few more minutes of natl fame
I remember Lawrence Taylor breaking your leg was the injury most feared in the NFL 😬🏈🙏