@miona @retrohistories For me that has to be either #Bastion or #Transistor by #supergiantgames (makers of #Hades). The former has a fantastic soundtrack, and the latter actually has a button you can press and hold to let your character, Red, hum to the soundtrack. #DarrenKorb's OSTs are very worth your while.
#bastion #transistor #supergiantgames #hades #darrenkorb
It's #JukeboxFridayNight !
As a casual #gamer, I am gonna go for the #SuperGiant games (by #DarrenKorb) and #StardewValley soundtrack (by #ConcernedApe).
What say you?
#jukeboxfridaynight #gamer #supergiant #darrenkorb #stardewvalley #concernedape #game #soundtrack #bastion #hades #stardew
@artofrengin #DarrenKorb created awesome soundtracks! My favorite is "In case of trouble" from the #Bastion OST.
“Home is not where you live, but who cares when you’re gone” #darrenkorb #sundaylyrics