This traitor to her sex, along with Maye #Musk, has a great deal to answer for, as do their spawning partners.
Luis #Rubiales: Spanish FA president's mother on hunger strike over kiss row
The mother of Spanish football federation president Luis Rubiales goes on a hunger strike because of the "inhuman hunt" against her son. #DARVO
For last 5 months I have faced institutional #discrimination and betrayal and silencing from the department of computer science of the University of #SheffieldUni. By Dr. Emma Norling and Dr. Heidi Christensen.
Ignoring my complaints towards a lecturer, they seeked to paint me as a bully with no investigation and having not consulted the facts. #DARVO
When they realised their errors, Dr. Heidi Christensen acted to cover it up and limit liability and not accept accountability for her actions.
#discrimination #sheffielduni #darvo
I'm from Iowa and can say that this isn't surprising in the least. That said, I think that the attention this small school district is getting far outstrips their importance.
They are competing with other small regional entities for Internet fame and will do anything in their power to get a stronger reaction than their neighbors. They want people to react, because that validates their beliefs. They harm others, people react negatively, they play the victim. #DARVO
1 of 53/ THREAD: #BodyLanguage Analysis No. 4701: #StevenCrowder's abuse, manipulation, and #CoerciveControl of Hilary Crowder (Trigger Warning)
#BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #NonverbalCommunication #BehaviorAnalysis #HilaryCrowder #DARVO
#darvo #hilarycrowder #behavioranalysis #nonverbalcommunication #emotionalintelligence #BodyLanguageExpert #coercivecontrol #stevencrowder #bodylanguage
This is Why Trump Lies like there’s No Tomorrow
"#Truth is effectively whtever it takes to win the moment, moment by moment, battle by battle —as the episodic man, shorn of any long-term story to make sense of his life, struggles to win the moment." -Dan P. McAdams
"Among the many reasons that Trump’s supporters excuse his lying is that they see him as a primal force or superhero, more than a person." -Thomas B. Edsall
#bluelies #darvo #opinion #nyt #truth
#Alito penned his defensive op-ed in the rt wing #WallStreetJournal claiming 'misleads its readers'...EVEN BEFORE #ProPublica published its report on him. Says it all.
Except don't forget this acronym: DARVO
Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender
'The reaction tht perpetrators of wrongdoing display in response to being held accountable fr their behavior, a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers.' #gaslighting #DARVO #SCOTUS #Corruption #ExposetheTruth
#exposethetruth #Corruption #SCOTUS #darvo #gaslighting #propublica #WallStreetJournal #alito
@photos_floues @marie_peltier right now, the affirmation that the ship refused the help provided (beside food) doesn't stand their ground if you ask me, but instead it serves a PR campaign strategy to, again, serve the idea that, oh this was a natural disaster, that the migrants themselves provoked by their own recklessness. It's literally #DARVO on the victims.
#wortdestages, nein, #Akronym des Tages: #DARVO - "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender"
Ich kenne Frau Bosetti nicht wirklich, aber für das offensichtliche #Playbook, dem die Unschuldslämmer und meine Lieblingshassband #Ramschstein folgt, gibt es sogar eine #Bezeichnung?! Chapeau. Hab' was gelernt. Merci.
"Was wir von #TillLindemann lernen: David-Goliath-Umkehr | #Bosetti will reden!" #Rammstein
#wortdestages #Akronym #darvo #playbook #ramschstein #bezeichnung #TillLindemann #bosetti #Rammstein
From seeking support to documentation, here are a few ways to resist DARVO.
#Narcissists, #borderlines, #histrionics and the rest of the #ClusterB variety pack can be quite the historical revisionists. Yes, they're #PathologicalLiars in matters consequential and inconsequential. When they rewrite history, however, they almost uniformly transform themselves into innocent, rosy-smelling victims and portray their actual victims as villains.
Typically, they do this via a combination of #gaslighting, #projection, #DARVO, blatant lies, half-truths, distortions and reality TV quality acting. Even when the facts eventually come to light, they shamelessly deny, lie, cry, tantrum and obfuscate with #WordSalad.
While I understand this phenomenon in terms of their characterological pathology, I never cease to be amazed by their refusal to take #accountability especially once they’re fully exposed.
You've got video, audio or emails that prove the #narcissist, #borderline or #histrionic partner’s or ex's lies and abuses? Spplffft! It doesn’t matter as far as the #NPD, #BPD or #HPD is concerned. They just tell more lies and play victim harder.
What they said or did last week, yesterday or two minutes ago is meaningless. They shake their Magic Victim 8 Ball and poof! It's time for freshly excreted self-serving lies.
They cry, pitch a tantrum, rage, pout and blithely ignore being fact-checked. They brazenly insist on their newest lies, distortions and false narratives and continue to deny, lie, gaslight and contradict themselves and anyone willing to listen to ever growing mountain of manure.
Then, when you point out the most recent pile of steaming, blatant BS, they're the victim and you're the asshole.
Narcissists, histrionics, psychopaths and borderlines don't see their cruelty, self-absorption, pathological lying and entitlement as bad. You deserve it. You make them do it. For that matter, anyone who holds them accountable is a bad, nasty person who's abusing them/victimizing them. It's completely backasswards.
Again, this is pure BS. The bad behavior is bad, not pointing out the bad behavior.
#narcissists #borderlines #histrionics #clusterb #pathologicalliars #gaslighting #projection #darvo #WordSalad #accountability #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #npd #bpd #hpd #abusehasnogender
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jonathan Majors' Lawyer Claims He Was Actually the Assault Victim #Jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #jonathanmajors #humanbehavior #priyachaudhry #victimisation #socialissues #amberheard #law2ccrime #johnnydepp #articles #bullying #humans #darvo #abuse
#jezebel #intimatepartnerviolence #violenceagainstwomen #violenceagainstmen #domesticviolence #restrainingorder #jonathanmajors #humanbehavior #priyachaudhry #victimisation #socialissues #amberheard #law2ccrime #johnnydepp #articles #bullying #Humans #darvo #abuse
Dominic Raab in a nutshell...
How is #DARVO used in the context of Tibetan Buddhism ?:
How Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetans and in general Buddhists adepts from many different currents are using #DARVO willingly or not against any form of criticism #DalaiLama
What Tibetans and #IStandWithDalaiLama are doing on TWITTER And IN THE MEDIA is to gaslight the entire planet.
It's literally #DARVO used at a scale that has never been seen before.
They are literally enforcing upon us and everyone how we should see the @DalaiLama
An excellent boost-worthy article.
"Feminism taught me all I need to know about men like Trump and Putin"
#rebeccasolnit #theguardian #feminism #darvo #jenniferfreyd #coercivecontrol #evanstark #authoritarianism #fascism #domesticviolence #gaslighting
RT @RVAwonk
1. #Gaslighting
2. #Manipulation
3. #Defamation
4. #CrazyMaking
#darvo #crazymaking #defamation #manipulation #gaslighting #learnthetactics
Here we go again: more #gaslighting and #darvo tactics being used by #evangelicals to try to rehabilitate their own reputations by manipulating those who are unaware.
#gaslighting #darvo #evangelicals
admin is so convinced that nathan @ is the Real Victim that he volunteered these thoughts in our mentions