Stealing Dartmoor opposed. Wild camping is officially fun. And therefore legal.
#Darwall behaved badly.
It's a desperately sorry state of affairs when a national park has to have a crowd funder to raise the cash for a legal challenge, but here we are. #Dartmoor Preservation Association is organising said fundraiser, with the aim of raising £200k to challenge the #Darwall/#WildCamping court case result. The right to roam movement is very much revitalised, and this could potentially be a step on the road to increased access across old AngleLand.
The peasants are revolting! Lovely to bump into far from home. People came from far and wide to protest at tis attempt to revoke our rightful access to nature. #RightToRoam #Wildcamp #Darwall
#righttoroam #wildcamp #darwall
Chris Townsend Outdoors: #Dartmoor Wild Camping: A Concession With Worrying Implications
“So #Darwall, the #landowner who took the case to court, will now be paid for allowing campers on his land, as will other #landowners. This should not happen.
No #NationalPark should be paying landowners to let people go #wildCamping. This is an outrageous use of public money.
#wildcamping #nationalpark #landowners #landowner #darwall #dartmoor
the high court will rule on the legal challenge brought by Alexander #Darwall a hedge fund manager and #Dartmoor ’s sixth largest #landowner against the national park. owner of the 1,619-hectare Blatchford wants to remove the public’s right to #WildCamp on sections of the #moor which has been permitted since 1985. His estate offers pheasant shoots, deerstalking and holiday rentals.
#moor #wildcamp #landowner #dartmoor #darwall