@PseudoNovalis ⬆️ Literally a ‘poster child’ for #DarwinianGunControl , the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA.
#darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
Another tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl on #July4th in #Tampa , #Floriduh 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/7-year-old-fatally-shot-in-florida-amid-dispute-over-jet-ski-use_n_64a6d9d0e4b02fb0e6f6f1e2
#darwinianguncontrol #july4th #tampa #floriduh
Another tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl in #Nashville 👉 https://www.wsmv.com/2023/06/30/12-year-old-girl-dies-after-accidental-shooting-nashville-police-say/?outputType=amp
It is the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA.
#darwinianguncontrol #nashville #GunControl #nra #EnoughIsEnough
@AlgoCompSynth #DarwinianGunControl is the only form of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA. ✅
#darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
From #Ohio , another tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl , the only form of #GunControl that is #NRA -approved. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/pregnant-mother-killed-toddler-gun-accident_n_6493658be4b0aec6b7fe3794
#Ohio #darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
A #Houston family narrowly escaped from becoming victimized by #DarwinianGunControl - the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/harris-county-accidental-shooting_n_646525cbe4b035573933a52c
#houston #darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
They’re also instances of #DarwinianGunControl , sadly the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA.
#darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
⬆️ Future case of #DarwinianGunControl , sadly the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA.
#darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
@Miriamm ⬆️
Good time to remind everyone that #DarwinianGunControl is the only kind that is approved by the #NRA. ☠️ ✅
@Rasta When a child uses a parent’s gun to kill a sibling, that is called #DarwinianGunControl , and it is the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA.
#darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
@TomWellborn ⬆️
Sadly, #Missouri can expect a drastic increase in #DarwinianGunControl ☠️, the only kind that is #NRA -approved.
#missouri #darwinianguncontrol #nra
@gwfoto ⬆️
The #NashvilleShooting is yet another tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl ☠️ - the ONLY kind that is approved by the #NRA.
#nashvilleshooting #darwinianguncontrol #nra #EnoughIsEnough
The death ☠️ of 17 year-old #AustinLyle ⬇️ in #ParkCounty , #Colorado is another tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl. It is the only form of #GunControl that is #NRA -approved.
#austinlyle #parkcounty #Colorado #darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra
Yet *another* tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl in #Nashville , #Tennessee. 👉 https://fox17.com/amp/news/local/nashville-middle-tennessee-gun-violence-investigation-youth-services-metro-police-4-year-old-child-shoots-self-in-head-dies-local-news
#DarwinianGunControl is the only form of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA.
#darwinianguncontrol #nashville #tennessee #GunControl #nra #EnoughIsEnough
Another tragic case of #DarwinianGunControl ⬇️, which is the only kind of #GunControl that is approved by the #NRA .
#darwinianguncontrol #GunControl #nra