WestWorld: la valle della disrupzione / 2 https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/04/03/westworld-la-valle-della-disrupzione-2/ #intelligenzaartificiale #MauriceMerleau-Ponty #ruled-basedalgorithm #tecnologiedigitali #esperienzaumana #GermanA.Duarte #interveglianza #transumanesimo #HubertDreyfus #PhilipK.Dick #BladeRunner #RidleyScott #AlanTuring #Cinema&tv #Erfahrung #Heidegger #Westworld #androide #Erlebnis #hardware #software #soggetto #violenza #oggetto #Dasein #corpo #bits #host
#intelligenzaartificiale #MauriceMerleau #ruled #tecnologiedigitali #esperienzaumana #germana #interveglianza #transumanesimo #hubertdreyfus #philipk #bladerunner #ridleyscott #alanturing #cinema #erfahrung #heidegger #westworld #androide #erlebnis #hardware #software #soggetto #violenza #oggetto #dasein #corpo #bits #host
#Dasein must possess a singleness of mind, of purpose… a monomania even with bringing revolutionary, norm-smashing, thoroughly HERETICAL progress to History with a capital P in the form of establishing a Pleroma that stands as a monument to harmonious, rational-moral, creatively enacting unity in flourishing diversity.
One that allows every citizen of the nation to self-cultivate, self-realize, and self-actualize, and polymorphous perversely self-jolly their way into the Sophianic heights.
Self-improvement that also leads to social improvement is the ultimate form of masturbation.
#gnosticism #reification #Marx #Marcuse #Dasein #ZdzisławBeksiński
#gnosticism #reification #marx #marcuse #dasein #zdzislawbeksinski
#dasein nicht nur ein #Kinderbuch
Zufällig über dieses Buch gestolpert - welch ein Glück! Es hat mich spontan ergriffen.
@ConatusPrinciple @Skye_Cleary
True, #Dasein was used in philosophy before #Heidegger, eg in Hegel for 'bestimmtes Sein'. However 'dasein' is also a commonplace word in German, basically meaning 'existence'. Heidegger often uses everyday words with enriched implications ( carefully elaborated). Interestingly this makes reading Heidegger in the original so much easier than reading him in eg English translations with neologisms that mystify rather than explain.
Mort de Michel Serres, penseur de la nature - Libération
Garonne #Travail #Langage #Dasein #Famille #rre mondiale #Évolution #Lot-et-Garonne #Orange #Poucette #Droit #Sable ##Cartographie #Turner #Loup #actualités #news
#travail #langage #dasein #famille #rre #évolution #lot #orange #poucette #droit #sable #cartographie #turner #loup #actualités #news
DASEIN now stands for Decentralized Authentication Self-soverEign Identities using Name systems.