Do you host a podcast? Is Buzzsprout your hosting provider? In this short video I show you how to dashboard your podcast analytics in SquaredUp using the Web API plugin.
#podcast #analytics #devrel #dashboard
Ghostfolio: Open-Source Wealth Management Software
#ycombinator #app #asset #cryptocurrency #dashboard #etf #finance #management #performance #portfolio #software #stock #trading #wealth #web3
#ycombinator #app #asset #cryptocurrency #dashboard #etf #finance #management #performance #portfolio #software #stock #trading #wealth #web3
#Free #dashboard #templates built with #TailwindCSS and #Alpinejs - TailDashboards
#free #dashboard #templates #tailwindcss #alpinejs
I'm thrilled to be working on a pipeline monitoring dashboard using Streamlit for my organization! With so many moving parts to manage, having Streamlit as the backbone of the project is a real game-changer. #Streamlit #Dashboard #Observability #devops
#streamlit #dashboard #observability #devops
📚 Every other week, I post a review from my Data Viz Bookshelf on LinkedIn and on my blog.
Check it out!
This week, an all-time favourite: The Big Book of Dashboards by Wexler, Shaffer & Cotgreave
#datafam #dataviz #dashboard #datavizbookshelf
Last week I shared all I know about wireframes in dashboard design with my newsletter subscribers.
This week it'll be all about how to craft a good dashboard COLOUR PALETTE! Subscribe here:
#dashboard #dataviz #datafam #vissocial
Die Sache mit dem neuen #Dashboard. Ich will ja nicht so viel los drüber nachdenken oder dazu sagen. Es tut mir weh. Aber ich schaffe es grad nicht. Wenigstens das eine muss ich loswerden:
"Das neue Dashboard ist für uns eine Art Frühwarnsystem"
"[...] erwartet [...] durch das neue System eine frühzeitige Warnung vor allfälligen Überlastungen der Spitäler."
Aha. Wer wird gewarnt, und was machen die dann? Wodurch wird die "allfällige #Überlastung" dann noch verhindert? Oder kann vielleicht durch die Warnung rechtzeitig ein Ablenkungsthema an die Öffentlichkeit gebracht werden? 🤦
Der Kernpunkt bei der Erstellung von Dashboards ist immer(!) die Frage, was mensch mit den Infos anfangen kann. Welche Entscheidungen können mit dem Dashboard getroffen werden?
Daten müssen regelmäßig zeitnah erhoben, bereinigt und zusammen geführt werden. Kennzahlen müssen berechnet und übersichtlich (und nicht irreführend) dargestellt werden. Das kann erstaunlich teuer sein. Wir könnten wahrscheinlich auch ohne dieses Dashboard davon ablenken, dass Leute krank sind.
"Neues Dashboard für Atemwegserkrankungen online"
#osterreich #atemwegsinfekte #Atemwegserkrankungen #gesundheitssystem #uberlastung #spital #spitaler #krankenhaus #sari #covid19 #influenza #rsv #opendata
#dashboard #uberlastung #osterreich #atemwegsinfekte #Atemwegserkrankungen #gesundheitssystem #spital #spitaler #krankenhaus #sari #COVID19 #influenza #RSV #opendata
Hey friends!
📚 The Data Viz Bookshelf is also on Medium!
This week: Information Dashboard Design by Stephen Few
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #dashboard #vissocial
Hey friends!
📚 Every other week, I post a review from my Data Viz Bookshelf on LinkedIn and on my blog.
Check it out!
This one's gonna ruffle some feathers: Information Dashboard Design by Stephen Few
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #dashboard #vissocial
Headlamp version 0.19.0 is out! ⚡️ This is a very special new release as it features a new and slicker UI, including a new home view, new columns for each resource list view, and more! See the release notes at:
#kubernetes #opensource #dashboard
#kubernetes #opensource #dashboard
With NEWS like these, who needs enemies? 🌴🍊🥤⛱ **Florida COVID-19 Weekly Forecast 7/25
‼️ Miami has very high Local Prevalence maxing at 151 /area but stabilizing
‼️ Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale & Jacksonville are very high at up to 38 /area but also stabilizing! Real time updates & FAQ at:** 🌞 27jly23 Buy me a coffee - does not apply for Bad News 🎉 So Let's Party 🔮 ❤️ Coffee Donate: Paypal #Florida #covid19 #dashboard
Gizmodo: Should You Use Apple CarPlay or Android Auto for Your Car's Dashboard? #smartphoneoperatingsystems #mobileoperatingsystems #technologyinternet #youtubemusic #androidauto #alphabetinc #webmapping #applemusic #dashboard #applemaps #herewego #facebook #android #carplay #spotify #amazon #google #iphone #tidal #waze #siri #iso
#smartphoneoperatingsystems #mobileoperatingsystems #technologyinternet #youtubemusic #androidauto #alphabetinc #webmapping #applemusic #dashboard #applemaps #herewego #facebook #android #carplay #spotify #amazon #google #iphone #tidal #waze #siri #iso
Tremor – The React library to build dashboards fast
#ycombinator #tremor #dashboard #charts #data #visualization
#ycombinator #tremor #dashboard #charts #data #visualization
Faire un joli #dashboard dans #Grafana est un parcours initiatique. Bref, j'ai passé une bonne partie de ma journée à chercher comment présenter correctement mes "Bar Gauge" et là c'est OK. Le tri par valeur est un peu tordu avec #LogQL mais ça se fait...
LogQL est vraiment super riche. C'est cool 😁 .
#selfhosted #docker #dashboard
A modern (fully static, fast), secure (fully proxied), highly customizable application dashboard with integrations for more than 25 services and translations for over 15 languages. Easily configured via YAML files (or discovery via docker labels).
Fast! The entire site is statically generated at build time, so you can expect instant load times
- Secure! Every API request to backend services goes through a proxy server, so your API keys are never exposed to the frontend client.
- Images built for AMD64 (x86_64), ARM64, ARMv7 and ARMv6
- Supports all Raspberry Pi's, most SBCs & Apple Silicon
- Full i18n support with translations for Catalan, Chinese, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Malay, Norwegian Bokmål, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Yue
#selfhosted #docker #dashboard
#Honda #Headunit #ReverseEngineering, And The Dismal State Of #Infotainment Systems
A dozen or so #ECU in a car are joined by an #infotainmentsystem of some type, which are typically a large #touchscreen on the #dashboard (the headunit) and possibly a couple of auxiliary units for the rear seats commonly run some version of #Android. In the 2021 Honda Civic, its headunit runs an archaic Android dating back to roughly 2012. #security #itsec #cars #itsecurity
#honda #headunit #reverseengineering #infotainment #ecu #infotainmentsystem #touchscreen #dashboard #android #security #itsec #cars #itsecurity
Svůj "solární dashboard" neustále rozšiřuji. Nyní je čas na tvorbu dílčích stránek s grafy a historií . Od minule jsem přidal některé nové boxy a responzivní škálování přesně na obrazovku zařízení. Takto na tabletu. Data v 10s intervalu.
#fve #oze #solarnipanely #solary #dashboard
Looking at your #dashboard and can't figure out what's going on? 📈😕
Check out this practical guide on how to effectively design your #devops dashboards 💡
#monitoring #observability #dashboards
#dashboard #devops #monitoring #observability #dashboards
Just had a meeting with senior management about the #dashboard project, and made a point of saying it wasn't deliverable in the timeframe available.
It went down about as well as I expected.
At least I managed to make a point of saying we have no #data or strategy for getting any.
I can see why #GeordiLaForge was often grumpy - being asked to deliver the undeliverable.
#geordilaforge #data #dashboard