So langsam ist das Sommerloch vorbei & wir nutzen die Gelegenheit für eine erfreuliche News in eig. Sache: Gem. mit dem @bih_charite haben wir erfolgreich ein Implementierungsprojekt bei der @BerlinUAlliance eingeworben 🥳 Im Projekt #BUA #OpenScience Magnifiers werden wir ab 2023 ausbauen, was derzeit im Projekt OS #Dashboards entwickelt wird und weiter mit verschiedenen Disziplinen zusammenarbeiten 😎 #OpenResearch #Monitoring
Infos zu beiden Projekten gibt es hier:
#bua #openscience #dashboards #openresearch #Monitoring
How to use Microsoft Power BI - Learn how Power BI unlocks the potential of your data and is usef... - #businessintelligence #datavisualization #microsoftpowerbi #datareporting #dataanalysis #datainsights #datasources #dashboards
#dashboards #datasources #datainsights #dataanalysis #datareporting #microsoftpowerbi #datavisualization #businessintelligence
Are you are developer or user of #wastewater #dashboards for #SARSCoV2, based in #Europe? Daniela Morales (LSHTM MSc student) wants to interview you, pls sign ⬆️ we are investigating the rationale and best practices for wastewater dashboards
DM or email if you'd like more details.
#wastewater #dashboards #SarsCoV2 #europe
📊 Need a quick overview of your tasks and project status? #Dashboards are the answer!
Explore personalized options in #OpenProject to boost your project success:
#dashboards #openproject #opensource #projectmanagement #customization
📊 A Fundação #Seade divulgou painéis interativos (também chamados de #dashboards, em inglês) com dados do #Censo2022 do #IBGE. Os dados cobrem duas dimensões: população e domicílios, além disso, estão agregados por município e também podem ser baixados como planilha eletrônica (infelizmente no formato proprietário da Microsoft) ou arquivo de texto separado por vírgulas. Para acessar:
#seade #dashboards #censo2022 #IBGE
About a week deep into a PowerBI project. It is certainly a change in way I work. The main focus here is on dashboards for users across the organization - so they need to be sharable, visible and controllable.
I would normally have solved this with Python but with the deep integration with other MS tools that others user PowerBI was the tool that came out on top. You just cannot beat it for sharing data within organisational policies.
Looking at your #dashboard and can't figure out what's going on? 📈😕
Check out this practical guide on how to effectively design your #devops dashboards 💡
#monitoring #observability #dashboards
#dashboard #devops #monitoring #observability #dashboards
My new favourite #wbe paper: Online dashboards for SARS-CoV-2 #wastewater data need standard best practices: An environmental health communication agenda great because it reviews commonalities and differences across #dashboards. Going forward, consistent measures of virus, details on how measured & log10 toggle needed
Dank des #Dashboards und #Smartmeter gut ersichtlich, dass der "Grund-Strombedarf" zuhause recht überschaubar ist. Im Wesentlichen nur der Kühlschrank der in 24h rund um die 0,8kwh verbraucht.
Noticias sobre Python y Datos de la semana, episodio 75 🐍⚙️
En resumen: Versiones nuevas de CausalNex, Pillow, Ray, y Prefect, dashboards sin backend con stlite y voici, cruzando el antimeridiano sin dramas, y malos tiempos para Binder.
Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#causalnex #pillow #ray #prefect #streamlit #dashboards #gis #binder #euroscipy #python #pydata #noticieropythonydatos
#causalnex #pillow #ray #prefect #streamlit #dashboards #gis #binder #euroscipy #python #PyData #noticieropythonydatos
my monitoring project continues and i've deployed #netdata on a synology filer via #docker. i don't know if that will be sufficient to gather the sorts of metrics i am interested in yet but it's in my dashboard.
i see a lot of "data backlog of 10 minutes" alerts that i don't know how to interpret because i have a redundant read/write ssd cache and i find it hard to believe anything is waiting 10+ minutes for anything but i haven't dug in yet.
#netdata #docker #householdIT #dashboards
To be specific: they discuss how to build fit for purpose #dashboards and how they differ from #visualanalytics applications
New #MobilityDataScience #VisualAnalytics reading:
A conceptual framework for developing #dashboards for big #mobility data
By Lindsey Conrow, Cheng Fu, Haosheng Huang, Natalia Andrienko, Gennady Andrienko & Robert Weibel
In #Cartography and #GeographicInformationScience
#mobilitydatascience #visualanalytics #dashboards #mobility #cartography #geographicinformationscience #gischat
Nice #humanitarian #health response in #Venezuela dashboard built on #ArcGISDashboards by Virginia Behm
#healthGIS #WorldHealthDay #govtech #GIS #esri #arcgis #dashboards #dataviz #GISchat #geospatial #mapstodon
#humanitarian #health #venezuela #arcgisdashboards #HealthGIS #WorldHealthDay #govtech #GIS #esri #arcgis #dashboards #dataviz #gischat #geospatial #mapstodon
🎉 My Kubernetes dashboards project just reached 1k stars ⭐ on GitHub! :github:
#kubernetes #grafana #dashboards #github
6/ 🎨 Google Looker Studio
Looker is a powerful #data #visualization & #analytics tool with features like customized #SQL queries, drag-and-drop interface, data exploration and collaboration.
This powerful combination empowers you to create dynamic #dashboards and #reports.
#data #visualization #analytics #sql #dashboards #reports
Streamlit you can help you write good looking web applications, with very little code in Python.
On this article:
* NYRR race results with the help of Pandas DataFrames.
* "flavor wheel", that will allow you to explain to others, objectively, how your cup of Coffee tastes while making you look like a genius ;-)
Hope you enjoy it reading this as much I did writing it.
#streamlit #podman #python #opensource #datascience #dashboards #pandas #coffee
#streamlit #podman #python #opensource #datascience #dashboards #pandas #coffee
Are #Dashboards More Trustworthy?
Bring your data to life! E2E's inspiring, interactive dashboards are a beautiful way to turn complex relationships into insightful actions! #Raven #Dashboards #MRX #Insights
#mrx #insights #raven #dashboards