Vite brevi ed esemplari delle spie / 3 #VjačeslavMichajlovičMolotov #AleksandrMichajlovičOrlov #JurijVladimirovičAndropov #ragazzidiViaPanisperna #EtheleJuliusRosemberg #RudofIvanovičAbel #VladimirSacharov #BrunoPontecorvo #DanielC.Dennett #DashiellHammett #KirtillChenkin #DiegoGabutti #GrahamGreene #AltroQuando #Inghilterra #MiriamMafai #WillyFisher #FrankClose #GaryPowers #KimPhilby #Cremlino #Stalin #URSS #CIA
#VjačeslavMichajlovičMolotov #AleksandrMichajlovičOrlov #JurijVladimirovičAndropov #ragazzidiViaPanisperna #EtheleJuliusRosemberg #RudofIvanovičAbel #VladimirSacharov #BrunoPontecorvo #DanielC #dashiellhammett #KirtillChenkin #diegogabutti #grahamgreene #AltroQuando #inghilterra #MiriamMafai #WillyFisher #FrankClose #garypowers #KimPhilby #cremlino #stalin #urss #cia
I have decided that, when it comes to hard-boiled detectives, I prefer Dashiell Hammett to Raymond Chandler. Why? Because Chandler gets his first impressions of characters from their clothes. That might have been for the non-digitally connected world that Chandler was writing in and about, but for me? It irritates me.
#detectives #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #ClothesDon'tAlwaysMakethTheMan
#detectives #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #clothesdon
Circa 1943 hard-boiled detective novelist Dashiell Hammett (e.g., Maltese Falcon, Thin Man) surrounded by the rest of the staff for the Adakian, an Army newspaper published on Adak Island during World War II. Via Anchorage Museum. #alaska #adak #alaskahistory #dashiellhammett
#alaska #adak #alaskahistory #dashiellhammett
Aliens Probed #DashiellHammett's diaries and found out that he despite having written the book himself, even he didn't know understand the plot of the #MalteseFalcon.
#dashiellhammett #maltesefalcon #aliensprobed_____andfoundout #book #HashtagGames
Esperienze estetiche fondamentali / 6: Sam Spade, detective be bop, e il Dottor Sax, che sussurra nelle tenebre #Jean-LouisLebrisdeKérouac #LawrenceFerlinghetti #Ilbuiooltrelasiepe #BlackPantherParty #Lamorbidamacchina #AgenziaPinkerton #Ilfalconemaltese #WilliamBurroughs #CornellWoolrich #DashiellHammett #Beatgeneration #HerbertMarcuse #AltroQuando
#jean #lawrenceferlinghetti #ilbuiooltrelasiepe #blackpantherparty #Lamorbidamacchina #AgenziaPinkerton #Ilfalconemaltese #williamburroughs #CornellWoolrich #dashiellhammett #beatgeneration #HerbertMarcuse #AltroQuando
Literarischer #27Mai
„Our conversations have not been such that I am anxious to continue them in private.“
#DashiellHammett #TheMalteseFalcon Geburt 1894
#27mai #dashiellhammett #themaltesefalcon
🎬 "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) screening at 10:00 @ TCM.
#TCMParty #movies #filmnoir #DashiellHammett #HumphreyBogart #JohnHuston #MaryAstor #PeterLorre #SydneyGreenstreet #Classic #40s #WarnerBros #SanFrancisco
#sydneygreenstreet #sanfrancisco #warnerbros #40s #classic #peterlorre #MaryAstor #johnhuston #HumphreyBogart #dashiellhammett #filmnoir #Movies #TCMParty
#blackmaskmagazin #38special #dashiellhammett #raymondchandler #hardboiled #lindabarnes #marciamuller
#literatur #krimi #kriminalmagazin
und der letzte :) 7 von 7
#blackmaskmagazin #38special #dashiellhammett #raymondchandler #hardboiled #lindabarnes #marciamuller #literatur #krimi #kriminalmagazin
#JoeGores #MichaelCollins #Josephkoenig #CharlesWillford #38Special #ullstein #Kriminalmagazin #Blackmaskmagazin #DashiellHammett #RaymondChandler #EdMcBain
hier kommt der vorletzte band :)
#joegores #michaelcollins #josephkoenig #charleswillford #38special #Ullstein #kriminalmagazin #blackmaskmagazin #dashiellhammett #raymondchandler #edmcbain
#38Special #SchwarzeBeute #BlackMaskMagazin #raymondchandler #EdMcbain #DashiellHammett #LorenDEstleman #JoyceHarrington #JamesEllroy #AndrewSachss #krimi #ullstein #kriminalmagazin
#Literatur #lesen #buecher
#38special #schwarzebeute #blackmaskmagazin #raymondchandler #edmcbain #dashiellhammett #lorendestleman #joyceharrington #jamesellroy #andrewsachss #krimi #Ullstein #kriminalmagazin #literatur #lesen #buecher
#38special #blackmaskmagazin #schwarzebeute #kriminalmagazin #ullstein #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #johndmacdonald #jamesellroy #johnlutz #saraparetsky #billpronzini #edwarddhoch #peterlovesey #lesen #buecher #lesetipp #literatur #literarturblogkreis
weiter geht es mit dem 4. Band :)
#38special #blackmaskmagazin #schwarzebeute #kriminalmagazin #Ullstein #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #johndmacdonald #jamesellroy #johnlutz #saraparetsky #billpronzini #edwarddhoch #peterlovesey #lesen #buecher #lesetipp #literatur #literarturblogkreis
Today's bargains - especially the Jim Thompson book which I got for a LOT less than it normally goes for.
#Noir #HardBoiled #Crime #Books #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #Detective #JimThompson #Books
#noir #hardboiled #crime #books #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #detective #jimthompson
My super-power is finding a copy of a book that is a fraction of the price it normally goes for - my Achilles heel is that I cannot resist buying it - cue little devil on shoulder saying "You'll not find it that cheap again" ...
Anyway got these 3 anthologies (11 individual novels) for a song - especially the Jim Thompson book that is normally
#Noir #HardBoiled #Crime #Books #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #Detective #JimThompson #Books
#noir #hardboiled #crime #books #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #detective #jimthompson
My super-power is finding an copy of a book that is a fraction of the price it normally goes for - my Achilles heel is that I cannot resist buying it - cue little devil on shoulder saying "You'll not find it that cheap again" ...
Anyway got these 3 anthologies (11 individual novels) including shipping for less than they frequently cost individually.
#Noir #HardBoiled #Crime #Books #RaymondChandler #DashiellHammett #Detective #JimThompson #Books
#noir #hardboiled #crime #books #raymondchandler #dashiellhammett #detective #jimthompson
#38special #blackmaskmagazin #hardboiled #krimi #ullstein #georgessimenon #dashiellhammett #raymondchandler #michaelcollins #literatur #buecher #literaturtiipp #lesen
hier kommt der 2. von 7 Bänden :)
#38special #blackmaskmagazin #hardboiled #krimi #Ullstein #georgessimenon #dashiellhammett #raymondchandler #michaelcollins #literatur #buecher #literaturtiipp #lesen
I just watched The Maltese Falcon (Roy Del Ruth, 1931) and rated it 7/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #TheMalteseFalcon #DashiellHammett #BebeDaniels #RicardoCortez #UnaMerkel #PreCode
#precode #unamerkel #ricardocortez #bebedaniels #dashiellhammett #themaltesefalcon #cinemastadon #cinema #films
Literarischer #10Januar
„The problem with getting two and two together is that sometimes you get four, and sometimes you get twenty-two.“
#DashiellHammett #TheThinMan Tod 1961
#10januar #dashiellhammett #TheThinMan
I just watched After the Thin Man (W. S. Van Dyke, 1936) and rated it 5/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #ThinMan #DashiellHammett #AfterTheThinMan #Mystery
#mystery #afterthethinman #dashiellhammett #thinman #cinemastadon #cinema #films
Is Roy del Ruth's 1931 precode version of The Maltese Falcon better than John Huston's celebrated 1941 remake? I think it is, although I like both.
Ricardo Cortez is a better Sam Spade than Bogart, and Bebe Daniels is definitely better than Mary Astor.
With its cheerful immorality the '31 version is closer in spirit to Hammett's novel.
My review:
#BebeDaniels #SamSpade #classicmovies #precodemovies #PreCodeHollywood #precode #RicardoCortez #filmnoir #dashiellhammett
#bebedaniels #samspade #classicmovies #precodemovies #PreCodeHollywood #precode #ricardocortez #filmnoir #dashiellhammett
I just watched The Glass Key (Stuart Heisler, 1942) and rated it 7/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastadon #TheGlassKey #AlanLadd #VeronicaLake #DashiellHammett #FilmNoir
#filmnoir #dashiellhammett #veronicalake #alanladd #theglasskey #cinemastadon #cinema #films