Aaron Quigley · @aquigley
545 followers · 633 posts · Server hci.social

A very interesting executive team meeting at Dutton Park in Brisbane


Last updated 2 years ago

Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
2947 followers · 1281 posts · Server aus.social

Good evening ! :fediverse: In tonight's post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect the Fediverse, I'd like you to meet:

@ana_valdi is a lecturer in , and at @oiioxford, and she convened (with Prof Benedetta Brevini from UniSyd) an excellent workshop a couple weeks ago on the of 📊

You can check it out at:

@scipy is the official account for the Scientific conference, 🐍

@sarvk is Dr Sarvnaz Karimi and she is an researcher t 's and is publicity director for @aclmeeting 👋

@ramikrispin is a and focused on and 👋

@jojannekevdbosch does and is a speaker, , and into Entangled 👋

@Wolven is Dr Damien P. Williams, who is an Asst of and at 👋

@Fennia is Sarah and she is a Senior at , who does a lot of work in . She's into and 👋

@amorphic is James and he is a and proponent who loves , and :\m/:

That's all for tonight, I'll provide another list tomorrow, and don't forget to create your own lists so we can connect the Fediverse ❤️

#fediverse #connectionlist #introduction #followfriday #ai #government #policy #lifecycle #algorithms #python #scipy #nlp #csiro #data61 #datascience #engineeringmanager #rstats #julialang #creativestrategy #tedx #trainer #artist #professor #philosophy #uncc #infosec #engineer #redhat #dei #opensource #privacy #ethics #diversity #maker #technology #homebrew #heavymetal

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron Quigley · @aquigley
528 followers · 598 posts · Server hci.social

Getting settled in with and

#data61 #csiro

Last updated 2 years ago

UNSW AI Institute · @unsw_ai
26 followers · 7 posts · Server fediverse.au

Happy 2023! 🎉
Just recapping on some highlights from 2022:

Stela SOLAR (she/her) the Director of 's National Centre delivered a keynote speech at the UNSW AI Institute Launch event on 13th September.


#csiro #data61 #ai #unswailaunch #unswai #aiaustralia #womeninai

Last updated 2 years ago