Now imagine that you only have a right to a partial set of the data - as I have a right to access/keep MY OWN twitter data - so you lose all the information that contextualises it’s meaning. That’s when you see the real power imbalance in the data economy…
We hear that #DataIsPower but I believe it’s really data aggregated and contextualised that counts. It’s still #KnowledgeIsPower, and one-sided knowledge/secret knowledge is where it’s really at.
Tech vendors know it. Platforms know it.
#dataIsPower #knowledgeispower
List of persons and state Treasurers to #imprison for privatising our #LandRegistries:
- #DominicPerrottet and #GladysBerejiklian (#NSW)
- #TomKoutsantonis (#SA)
- #TimPallas and #DanielAndrews (#VIC)
- #BenWyatt (#WA, less jail time because not privatisation but giving all data to #Macquarie and others)
#takingTheWorldPrivate #TakingAustraliaPrivate #privatisation #theft #imposters #traitors #impersonation #dataIsPower #knowledgeIsPower #moneyPrinterForElite
#imprison #LandRegistries #DominicPerrottet #GladysBerejiklian #nsw #TomKoutsantonis #sa #TimPallas #DanielAndrews #VIC #BenWyatt #wa #macquarie #takingTheWorldPrivate #TakingAustraliaPrivate #privatisation #theft #imposters #traitors #impersonation #dataIsPower #KnowledgeIsPower #moneyPrinterForElite