I'm in the process of switching electricity providers. I got the login to the new provider's website and was presented with years of bills from 2014 and earlier, when I had last used that company at a different address, in, in a different state.
I asked them what was the business purpose for retaining and displaying such ancient information and was given a stream of made up crap.
I am no longer switching to that particular provider
Argh. Webinar registration forms that have street address as a mandatory field. Stop it already!
Casual overcollection of personal information
"We'd like to know your age". Ok, so ask for my age then. You don't need my date of birth!
At least it's not a mandatory field
@carmeartigas I’m glad to see the move beyond just data protection to the second step I outlined in my talk to the European Parliament three years ago.
Here’s hoping we can move to step 3 also (data minimisation).
#algorithmicTransparency #dataMinimisation #surveillanceCapitalism #regulation #eu
#eu #regulation #surveillancecapitalism #dataMinimisation #algorithmictransparency
“Data protection” is a joke and you’re the punchline.
“Data protection” assumes that data is collected to begin with and that that’s just “how things are.” It makes no attempt to change that.
What you’re looking for is data minimisation.