RT @heroicendeavour@twitter.com
I'm writing an editorial about librarians, activism, #ebookSOS and about being more outspoken as individuals and as a sector - would it be inappropriate to use my self-description from the @UKLibrariesNAG@twitter.com #dataSOS webinar as 'arsey and concerned' as the title?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/heroicendeavour/status/1603026626006188032
A reminder that if you are interested and/or horrified and concerned by library data and the way it is used and abused, come join the discussion at the #dataSOS mailing list! https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=DATASOS&A=1
One of the things we were asked during this webinar was for a mailing list or discussion forum where people could talk all things related to library data - so ask and ye shall receive! The new #dataSOS mailing list!
RT @UKLibrariesNAG@twitter.com
Starting imminently! #dataSOS "All your data are belong to us: the weaponisation of library usage data and what we can do about it!" with @librarianth@twitter.com and @heroicendeavour@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UKLibrariesNAG/status/1599712449745199104
We spend so much time in this sector working in the interests of our users that we seem to be repeatedly surprised when our suppliers work only in their own interests and not ours. #dataSOS
Great webinar this morning on the weaponisation of usage data by publishers from @heroicendeavour and Anthony Sinnott, organised by NAG. #dataSOS
TODAY! In T-minus 1 hour and 37 minutes. Will you be joining us? Hashtag #dataSOS for live tweets, thoughts, complaints, flames and emojis.
RT @UKLibrariesNAG@twitter.com
TOMORROW: "All your data are belong to us: the weaponisation of library usage data and what we can do about it!"
Join @librarianth@twitter.com and @heroicendeavour@twitter.com on Monday 5th Dec at 10:30 for this FREE NAG webinar.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UKLibrariesNAG/status/1599517902662782977
Tuning in for this - very relevant for #dataSOS (though there are differences in US/European situations due to GDPR - but still much overlap and troubling similarities).
Anyone interested in #dataSOS and/or attending my and @librarianth@twitter.com’s webinar on library data next week would be recommended to read this!
RT @heroicendeavour@twitter.com
4 of 5 stars to Data Cartels by Sarah Lamdan https://goodreads.com/review/show/5123243337
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/heroicendeavour/status/1597231040711598080
I expect to see this #dataSOS editorial kickstarting a trend of shoehorning memes into future library articles, please...
RT @librarianth@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/librarianth/status/1591015651707351041
Got ten minutes this morning? Why not read @librarianth@twitter.com's and my editorial on the weaponisation of library usage data and then come chat/rant/discuss on the #dataSOS hashtag!
RT @heroicendeavour@twitter.com
You’ve heard of #ebookSOS - is it time for a #dataSOS?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/heroicendeavour/status/1590802097364406272