Oxford Quantum Circuits Installing Quantum Computer in Equinix IBX Data Center https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2351170 #Quantum_Computing_Business #Andre_Buss #Arun_Dev #data_center #Equinix #George_Freeman #HPC #Ilana_Wisby #oqc #Oxford_Quantum_Circuits #UK #quantumdaily Insider Brief OQC aims to make one of the most powerful quantum computers available commercially to businesses worldwide via Equinix’s TY11 Tokyo International Business Exchange data center. TQI has predicted that quantum com
#Quantum_Computing_Business #Andre_Buss #Arun_Dev #data_center #Equinix #George_Freeman #HPC #Ilana_Wisby #oqc #Oxford_Quantum_Circuits #UK #quantumdaily
#Compute_North Files for #Bankruptcy as #Crypto_Mining #Data_Center Owes up to $500M
The company filed for #Chapter_11 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of #Texas and owed as much as $500 #million to at least 200 #creditors, according to a filing.
Disclaimer: http://DavidVTV.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com]
#creditors #million #texas #Chapter_11 #data_center #Crypto_Mining #bankruptcy #Compute_North #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Big_Tech | #eNom #Data_Center #migration mistakenly knocks sites #offline?
A data center migration from eNom web hosting provider caused unexpected #domain_resolution problems that are expected to last for a few hours.
Customers started to #complain that they could no longer access their #websites and #emails due to Domain Name System (#DNS) issues.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image..
#dns #emails #websites #complain #domain_resolution #offline #migration #data_center #enom #big_tech
Retour sur l’incendie des serveurs d’OVH : la sobriété numérique est-elle possible ?
> Les dégâts irréversibles causés par l’incendie, début mars 2021, du data center SGB2 d’OVH, le numéro 1 français du cloud computing, n’en finissent pas de provoquer des remous. Le terme de « cataclysme » a même souvent été employé pour quali…
#Data_Center #Objets_connectés #5G #Cloud_Computing #Sobriété_Numérique #RevueDePresse #Shaarli2Mastodon
#shaarli2mastodon #revuedepresse #sobriété_numérique #cloud_computing #5g #objets_connectés #data_center
#data_center major #problem takes down diasp.org, dia.so, podupti.me
#diaspora #server
#data_center #problem #diaspora #server