@iassistdata Hello? Ist there anybody out there? Greetings from Cologne! To the best conference ever! Best, Oliver
#data #DataArchive #opendata #CESSDA #datainfrastructure #socialsciences
#socialsciences #datainfrastructure #CESSDA #opendata #dataarchive #data
[#veille] Mise en ligne des autorisations d’#urbanisme de la ville d’#Orléans | La Revue française de Généalogie
#archives #dataviz #dataarchive poke @ArchivesOrleans
#dataarchive #dataviz #archives #orleans #urbanisme #veille
FORS (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences) has an open position (80-100%) for a Head of FORS #DataArchive Services, starting September in Lausanne, Switzerland.
@HeidiSeibold Oh, I don't know of any law suit horrors. But as a #DataArchive we do get #ResearchData for publication and the #InformedConsent was either not collected or it has flaws and we cannot take the data. It often hurts when the data would be useful for a large audience. We did find work arounds sometimes in the past which involved very strict #anonymization, to the point where the data lose a large part of their analyses potential 🙁
#anonymization #informedconsent #researchdata #dataarchive