Our new #NWRA_papers handle will be used to share recent publications of NWRA scientists in fundamental #fluiddynamics, #atmosphericscience, #ionospheric, #solar, and #stellar #physics, #oceanography, #statistics, #signalprocessing, #dataassimilation, and #electromagnetism.
#electromagnetism #dataassimilation #signalprocessing #statistics #oceanography #Physics #stellar #solar #ionospheric #atmosphericscience #fluiddynamics #nwra_papers
Our new #NWRA_papers handle will be used to share recent publications of NWRA scientists in fundamental #fluiddynamics, #atmosphericscience, #ionospheric, #solar, and #stellar #physics, #oceanography, #statistics, #signalprocessing, #dataassimilation, and #electromagnetism.
#electromagnetism #dataassimilation #signalprocessing #statistics #oceanography #Physics #stellar #solar #ionospheric #atmosphericscience #fluiddynamics #nwra_papers
You Can Do It! If you're an entrepreneur, you understand that your success can't rely on the views of others. Just like the wind, thoughts change...like the weather, ideas alter patterns. To be successful at any undertaking, you have to remain on the course...it does not matter what it costs! Here are a few surefire tips to hel... #Fashion #Motivational #DataInterpretation #WrittenCommunication #DataAssimilation #Inspirational… https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpn-khBOjKg/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #hustleculture #hustlemotivation #gpunltd
#fashion #motivational #datainterpretation #writtencommunication #dataassimilation #inspirational #hustleculture #hustlemotivation #gpunltd
You Can Do It! If you're an entrepreneur, you understand that your success can't rely on the views of others. Just like the wind, thoughts change...like the weather, ideas alter patterns. To be successful at any undertaking, you have to remain on the course...it does not matter what it costs! Here are a few surefire tips to help you on your journey. One... #VerbalCommunication #HustleCulture #TeamWork #DataAssimilation… https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpk9cXGspmV/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #hustleculture #hustlemotivation #gpunltd
#verbalcommunication #hustleculture #teamwork #dataassimilation #hustlemotivation #gpunltd
NCAR #internship application deadline extended to 1/17
#computerscience #machinelearning #python #dataassimilation #coding #WomenInTech #WomenInSTEM #NCWIT #AMS2023 #LGBTSTEM #queerSTEM #BLACKandSTEM #POCinSTEM #BlackTech #climate #science
#internship #computerscience #machinelearning #python #dataassimilation #coding #womenintech #womeninstem #ncwit #ams2023 #lgbtstem #queerstem #blackandstem #pocinstem #blacktech #climate #science
Calling all #AGU22 folks we are interested in land-surface modeling, data assimilation, and the terrestrial #CarbonCycle, check out Mike's presentation this afternoon! #PEcAnProject #DataAssimilation
#carboncycle #PEcAnProject #dataassimilation #agu22