Manage, clean, analyse and visualise your data in spreadsheets, OpenRefine and #rstats.
Join the (free!) Data Carpentry workshop in Delft, October 12 and 13:
(Open to researchers from UL, VU, TUD and EUR)
#rstats #programming #course #datacarpentry
Hosting a #DataCarpentry workshop is great if you have awesome colleagues like I have.
And it is refreshing to see someone else teach the lesson that I usually teach.
The Carpentries are looking for more Maintainers, who look after the lesson materials that are used in #SoftwareCarpentry, #DataCarpentry and #LibraryCarpentry workshops. I can tell from experience that it is rewarding. Join our community by signing up for Maintainer Onboarding:
#softwarecarpentry #datacarpentry #librarycarpentry
📢Last 6 tickets available for the next #DataCarpentry for #SocialSciences! It is open to researchers from @tudelft @UniLeidenNews @erasmusuni & @VUamsterdam - 20,21 & 23, 24 of February (online)
Via @paulamartinez2
#datacarpentry #socialsciences
Back in Morgantown at West Virginia University #WVU to teach #dataCarpentry #socialScience for researchers. Travelling for workshops is just one perk of being an @thecarpentries instructor!
#WVU #datacarpentry #socialscience
If you don't feel like you are able to code/comment/create scripts?
#softwarecarpentry & #datacarpentry workshops are made for you!
#softwarecarpentry #datacarpentry #osip2017