@lodurel 1. Various flavours of #BASIC 1981-1986
2. #dBase ii then iii 1981 - 1990(ish)
3. #Dataflex 1986 - 1997
4. #Delphi 1996 - 1998
5. #Java 1998 - 2008 (very little after 2005)
6 #Python 2004 - 2022 (very little after 2006)
7 #RustLang 2022 -
#basic #dbase #dataflex #delphi #java #Python #rustlang
Had an interesting Flashback as looking at use of #Macros in #Rocket_rs in #RustLang
One of my favourite historical programming achievements was a highly optimised ListBox in #DataFlex 2 written as a "Macro" (new command). Each extra instance reused the vast majority of code because we got close to limits.
This was for MsDos systems with 80 characters x 25 lines.
This was with the United Bible Societies in (I think) late 80's early 90's.
#macros #rocket_rs #rustlang #dataflex