RT @notjustmoore
Latest report from the #OMENGFF #Community describing #OMEZARR, a #CloudOptimized #BioImaging #DataFormat, is out now on #bioRxiv!
If you have issues with big, slow, or otherwise unwieldy imaging data, reach out or take a look for a #FAIR-er option.
#OMENGFF #omezarr #community #cloudoptimized #bioimaging #dataformat #biorxiv #fair
RT @notjustmoore
Latest report from the #OMENGFF #Community describing #OMEZARR, a #CloudOptimized #BioImaging #DataFormat, is out now on #bioRxiv!
If you have issues with big, slow, or otherwise unwieldy imaging data, reach out or take a look for a #FAIR-er option.
#OMENGFF #community #omezarr #cloudoptimized #bioimaging #dataformat #biorxiv #fair
Latest report from the #OMENGFF #Community describing #OMEZARR, a #CloudOptimized #BioImaging #DataFormat, is out now on #bioRxiv!
If you are having trouble with big, slow, or otherwise unwieldy imaging data, reach out or take a look for a #FAIR-er option.
#fair #biorxiv #dataformat #bioimaging #cloudoptimized #omezarr #Community #OMENGFF
RT @IST_IRD@twitter.com
Guide des formats de données pour la gestion des données de recherche #datamanagement #dataformat #gestiondesdonnées #researchdata #rdm #openscience https://twitter.com/OpenAIRE_eu/status/1313033685222985729
#datamanagement #dataformat #GestionDesDonnées #researchdata #rdm #openscience