Hi #medlibs and #datalibs, I want to recommend that you sign up for the weekly COVID-19 Data Dispatch by @betsyladyzhets. I use info and resources from this newsletter all the time to answer reference questions, and not just COVID reference questions either!
This particular toot is inspired by learning from the newsletter about https://nemsis.org/heat-related-ems-activation-surveillance-dashboard/, great for library users interested in #Climate and health, #heatwaves, and #OpenData
#medlibs #datalibs #Climate #heatwaves #opendata
Yay! Tenure happened! My dept did get me the most fabulous of office mugs! #datalibs #medlibs #NoRestForTheWeary.
#datalibs #medlibs #norestfortheweary
It’s back, in person!
The 18th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC24) takes place in Edinburgh, 19-21 February 2024.
Theme this time is “Tust through Transparency”. But if you have anything interesting to say about digital curation we’d like to hear about it.
Call closes at end of September: https://dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc24/call-papers
#fair #fairdata #openscience #digipres #datalibs
Hi #medlibs and #datalibs and #DataViz folks, especially #metadata librarians
1. What is the name of this kind of figure? How do I create it without the Excel hack approach of conditionally formatting full/partial/empty years that I noted manually?
#medlibs #datalibs #dataviz #metadata
Anyone know a citation graph with good coverage of Chinese-language journals in environmental health sciences/toxicology?
#medlibs #datalibs #ResearchImpact #bibliometrics #scientometrics #ResearchOnResearch
An English interface preferable but by no means is its absence a dealbreaker
#medlibs #datalibs #researchimpact #bibliometrics #scientometrics #researchonresearch
#medlibs #datalibs please scroll up
If you hold an in-person professional conference without taking - and telling people about - measures to reduce the likelihood of COVID transmission, you are showing colleagues with disabilities that you think their contributions are not valuable and that you think their perspectives are not important.
Biologists publish new guidelines to facilitate data sharing of research on disordered proteins
#datamanagement #datalibs #sharingdata #newstandard
Hi #medlibs #datalibs #librarians and #LIS students in #NewEngland and the #Northeast
NEASIST is giving out 3 conference support awards (up to $1k) to help you go to ASIST 2023. You don't have to be a current member.
Deadline July 24
Application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe6rzgJwJaO6TQuRnB9hEX62ftjq2uliVVjeo0-8Dr1DzWcvw/viewform
NEASIST was my first professional organization and it is a great chapter -- supportive and rewarding!
#medlibs #datalibs #librarians #lis #newengland #northeast
Programmatic prediction of gender, race, ethnicity of authors of scholarly papers based on their names: what do you think?
#medlibs #datalibs #bibliometrics
#medlibs #datalibs #bibliometrics
OHRP Research Community Forum | Research Ethics & Compliance
"making a difference in human subjects research: empowering participants, engaging communities, and protecting data"
Know your audience: Why data communication needs to pay attention to novice users | EurekAlert!
#DataLibs will not be surprised by this finding.
Today’s SMBC is important for all #datalibs to understand. Relevant to bibliometrics too, but mostly good to know if you’ve ever been asked “why 0.05” or any other stats and data imponderable. Also applies to why we use the “census race categories” when they were explicitly stated to be non-scientific even back when they were set up. Sometimes there’s a real wizard behind the curtain, sometimes a fake one, sometimes nothing. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/metrics
Been here long enough that I should do an #introduction. I'm an academic #librarian interested in #datalibs, information literacy and mis/disinformation. Always reading, usually #SFF or #history.
#introduction #librarian #datalibs #sff #history
#datalibs #medlibs
a biobank horror story (not that kind of horror)
Hi #medlibs #datalibs
Professional development opportunity -- free
"Data Services Continuing Professional Education" at Simmons (online) & various capstone sites
I did the predecessor program, the 4-semester Inter-Professional Informationist post-master's certificate. I learned a lot from the instructors & the other students. The IPI program leaders, who now lead the DSCPE, were SUPER responsive, collaborative, interested in helping students succeed.
Hi #medlibs #datalibs #critlibs #dataviz #sketchnote #bibliometrics #NeedsAssessment #accessibility folks,
I have some professional development funds available to spend before the end of the month (ie, pay in June -- it's ok if the event happens later on). Any suggestions?
BTW I am COVID-aware and not interested in an in-person event unless the organizers put serious effort into minimizing risk.
#medlibs #datalibs #critlibs #dataviz #sketchnote #bibliometrics #needsassessment #accessibility
Come work with me! Our Data & Visualization Services department is hiring an Associate Head. Please share widely. https://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/185272
#LibraryJobs #Librarians #AcademicLibraries #DataLibs #Data #DataScience #Jobs
#jobs #datascience #data #datalibs #academiclibraries #librarians #libraryjobs
What’s your fave peer-reviewed library journal for rigorous research on services? This would be an NLP analysis of help requests to our data science support service.
#datalibs #datascience #librarians #libraries #AcademicLibraries #research #LIS
#lis #research #academiclibraries #libraries #librarians #datascience #datalibs