How to make an automatic sprinkler with ESP8266 controlled by Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #atmosphericpressure, #atmosphericpressuresensor, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #Dupontcables, #esp8266, #humidity, #internetofthings, #iot, #KiCad, #library, #lightintensity, #lightintensitysensor, #platformio, #resistor, #scheduler, #sensor, #sensors, #temperature, #tutorial, #wifi
#arduinocloud #atmosphericpressure #atmosphericpressuresensor #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #dupontcables #esp8266 #humidity #internetofthings #iot #kicad #library #lightintensity #lightintensitysensor #platformio #resistor #scheduler #sensor #sensors #temperature #tutorial #wifi
Come creare un sistema di irrigazione automatica con ESP8266 controllato da Arduino Cloud
#arduinocloud, #BH1750, #BMP180, #breadboard, #caviDupont, #cloud, #datalogger, #DHT22, #digitale, #elettronicadigitale, #esp8266, #intensitàdiluce, #internetdellecose, #iot, #KiCad, #libreria, #NodeMCU, #platformio, #pressioneatmosferica, #resistenza, #scheduler, #sensore, #sensorediintensitàdiluce, #sensoredipressioneatmosferica, #sensori, #temperatura, #tutorial, #umidità, #wifi
#arduinocloud #bh1750 #BMP180 #breadboard #cavidupont #cloud #datalogger #dht22 #digitale #elettronicadigitale #esp8266 #intensitadiluce #InternetdelleCose #iot #kicad #libreria #nodemcu #platformio #pressioneatmosferica #resistenza #scheduler #sensore #sensorediintensitadiluce #sensoredipressioneatmosferica #sensori #temperatura #tutorial #umidita #wifi
Dipositivi di controllo Video e Software, tecnologie by Secsolution
#ControlloAccessi #Videoallarme #Videocontrollo #Rilevatori #Cloud #DispositiviWireless #Telecamere #DataLogger #CentraleIbrida #SoftwareGestioneReti #MonitorIndustriali #EtichettaRF #CancelliScorrevoli
#controlloaccessi #videoallarme #videocontrollo #rilevatori #cloud #dispositiviwireless #telecamere #datalogger #centraleibrida #softwaregestionereti #monitorindustriali #etichettarf #cancelliscorrevoli
Teledyne Flir: data logger di temperatura e umidita’
Il data logger di temperatura e umidita’ della serie 42280A di Extech ha un ampio display LCD triplo, che mostra contemporaneamente temperatura, umidita’...
#TeledyneFlir #datalogger #temperatura
#teledyneflir #datalogger #temperatura
.@sparkfun has launched a no-code datalogging platform based on an #ESP32 wireless module, with built-in 9-axis IMU and magnetometer #sensors, and two Qwiic connectors. #IoT #nocode #datalogger #arduino
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#arduino #datalogger #nocode #iot #sensors #esp32
If there would be persistence available in #Homekit, it would be much easier for me to decide to move over there.
Is there potentially a #datalogger available for Homekit ideally as an appliance or containerized ready-to-go setup?
A tous les #enseignants, #ParentDEleves , savez vous qu'il existe des petits enregistreurs (#datalogger) autonomes permettant d'avoir un historique précis des conditions thermiques des locaux (température et eventuellement taux hygométrique), ils font la taille d'une grosse clé usb, sont entièrement paramétrables et peuvent aller jusqu'a plusieurs mois de stockage suivant l'interval de mesure choisi.
A toute fin utile, si besoin d'arguments face à une autorité quelconque niant la réalité😉.
#enseignants #ParentDEleves #datalogger
Blackout Logger Keeps Track of Power Outages #RaspberryPiPico #RaspberryPi #datalogger #DS3231RTC #DS3231 #eink #rtc
#RaspberryPiPico #RaspberryPi #datalogger #ds3231rtc #ds3231 #eink #rtc
Blackout Logger Keeps Track of Power Outages - [Dmytro Panin] lives in Kyiv, Ukraine where there have been rolling blackouts to s... - #raspberrypipico #raspberrypi #datalogger #ds3231rtc #ds3231 #eink #rtc
#rtc #eink #ds3231 #ds3231rtc #datalogger #raspberrypi #raspberrypipico
Tiny GPS Logger for the Internet of Animals - [Trichl] creates a tiny GPS logger, called ‘TickTag’, that was designed as an inex... - #attinyhacks #datalogger #gpslogger #gpshacks #lowpower #attiny #atiny #gps
#gps #atiny #attiny #lowpower #gpshacks #gpslogger #datalogger #attinyhacks
Tiny GPS Logger for the Internet of Animals
#ATtinyHacks #datalogger #GPSlogger #gpshacks #lowpower #attiny #ATiny #gps
#ATtinyHacks #datalogger #GPSlogger #gpshacks #lowpower #attiny #ATiny #gps
#RaspberryPi RP2040-based USB key with a DS3231 #RTC and backup battery. #encryption #datalogger
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#raspberrypi #rtc #encryption #datalogger
Long-Range Thermocouple Sensor Sips Battery Power
#temperaturesensor #cookinghacks #thermocouple #datalogger #grafana
#temperaturesensor #cookinghacks #thermocouple #datalogger #grafana
A Sleep Monitor For Minimum Outlay
#MedicalHacks #sleepmonitor #datalogger #sleep #eeg
#MedicalHacks #sleepmonitor #datalogger #sleep #EEG
« Use your #RaspberryPi as a #DataLogger : Here's how to log the CPU temperature of a Raspberry Pi and create a spreadsheet-based report on demand » using #Pythonic and thus #Python >
#raspberrypi #datalogger #pythonic #python
Updated TeslaMate to latest Version #Tesla #DataLogger #Docker