#adtech tracking and associated #datamining and brokering at this point basically creates a dossier on our whole lives that includes where we have lived, who we associate with, our sensitive personal health information, and our sensitive personal financial information.
If/when new laws and regulations in the medium term make this unfeasible, #Google wants to be prepared.
Join instructor Dr. WJB Mattingly (Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Institution's Data Science Lab) for our eight-week intro to key concepts & tools in #TextMining & #DataMining
and their real-world applications in #libraries! Course runs on Thursdays 11:00 am–12:30 pm EDT starting Oct. 12. Discounted rates for NISO members: https://niso.org/events/text-and-data-mining-2023-niso-training-series
#textmining #datamining #libraries
Heute um 17:30h ist die Finissage von https://techturk.form-f.art. Kommt vorbei: Lausitzer Str. 10, Sonnenhof.
Es gibt neues zu sehen + zu hören.
#techturk #foto #ml #machinelearing #algorithms #datasets #datamining
#datamining #datasets #algorithms #machinelearing #ml #foto #techturk
📊 Proximity measures are the 🗝️ to unlocking insights in #DataMining & #MachineLearning! Dive into the world of similarity and dissimilarity, and discover how to calculate distances using 📐 formulas. Strong fundamentals lead to greatness! #DataScience #ProximityMeasures
#datamining #machinelearning #datascience #proximitymeasures
Hey Emory! Do/have you ever used the #MTA? Does this mean anything to you?
#privacy #stalking #transportation #NYC #DataHarvesting #DataMining
#datamining #dataharvesting #nyc #transportation #stalking #privacy #mta
Just reading an article about #dataMining in #denmark . It uses algorithms to spot people to look into further in case they might be cheating about #socialSecurity. But it occurs to me to ask: why doesn't any propose to use such systems to identify people in need of help?
Artucle: https://www.wired.com/story/algorithms-welfare-state-politics/
#socialsecurity #denmark #datamining
📊 Selecting the right proximity measure is key in #DataMining. 🤔 Dive into Euclidean distance, Cosine similarity, and correlation to make informed decisions. Understand attribute scales, types, and weights for accurate proximity calculations. #DataAnalysis #ProximityMeasures
#datamining #dataanalysis #proximitymeasures
This is an old BBC News piece on data mining. Let's put it in context. My VPN has, in the past seven days, blocked nearly 40,000 tracking attempts by data miners embedded in the BBC News app on my Android phone. Forty thousand, and I'm paying for the data throughput.
#AppTracking #DataMining #privacy #DataSecurity #DuckDuckGo #BBCNews
#apptracking #datamining #privacy #datasecurity #duckduckgo #bbcnews
Feature Subset Selection: 🎯 Optimize your data analysis! 🎯 By choosing the right features, we can eliminate redundancy and irrelevance, boosting accuracy and efficiency. Let's find the best subset! 🎯 #FeatureSelection #DataPrep #DataMining
#featureselection #dataprep #datamining
#AI #GenerativeAI #WebScraping #DataMining #Privacy #DataProtection: "What kind of info are we comfortable forking over to the AIs, if any? Right now we are in the midst of a destabilizing moment. It’s alarming, yes, but it’s also an opportunity to renegotiate what we do and do not want to hand over to tech giants that have been gathering our personal data for decades now. But to make those sorts of decisions, first we have to know where we stand. What are the websites and apps we use every day doing with our data? Are they using it to train their AI systems? What can we do about it if so?
A good rule of thumb, to begin with: If you are posting pictures or words to a public-facing platform or website, chances are that information is going to be scraped by a system crawling the internet gathering data for AI companies, and very likely used to train an AI model of one kind or another. If it hasn’t already."
#ai #generativeAI #webscraping #datamining #privacy #dataprotection
🕸️🔗 Uncover hidden connections with graph-based data! Explore relationships among objects and how they're captured through links. From web pages to chemical compounds, graphs reveal the secrets of complex structures. 🌐✨ #DataMining #GraphBasedData #DiscoverConnections
#datamining #graphbaseddata #discoverconnections
How did Netflix know I was gay before I did? - BBC News
Interesting, and a bit scary, frankly. I also have to wonder about the privacy implications.
#lgbtq #media #privacy #datamining
📚 Discover the power of feature extraction in #DataMining! 🌟 By extracting higher-level features from raw data, we unlock new possibilities. Whether it's identifying patterns in images or capturing correlations, feature extraction empowers classification algorithms. #FeatureCreation
Intel's #GPU Drivers Now Collect #Telemetry, Including 'How You Use Your Computer'. The #datacollection feature is enabled by #default, but you can disable it during installation. #privacy #datacollecton #datamining #optout https://www.techpowerup.com/312122/psa-intel-graphics-drivers-now-collect-telemetry-after-opt-in
#gpu #telemetry #datacollection #default #privacy #datacollecton #datamining #optout
Google started mining words on the Internet a while ago.
“Google says AI systems should be able to mine publishers’ work unless companies opt out | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian”
#google #ai #datamining #Data #DataPrivacy #dontbeevil #beevil
#beevil #dontbeevil #DataPrivacy #Data #datamining #AI #Google
⚡️ Proximity measures hold the secrets to unlocking insights in #DataMining. From Euclidean distance to Jaccard coefficient, explore different measures and conquer challenges like attribute scales and data types. 📊 Elevate your data analysis game! #MachineLearning #DataScience
#datamining #machinelearning #datascience
🎯 Enhance your skills in #DataMining and #MachineLearning! Understanding measures of proximity is crucial. 📚 Explore the significance of similarity and dissimilarity and their applications in clustering, nearest neighbor classification, and anomaly detection. #DataAnalysis
#datamining #machinelearning #dataanalysis
India’s Data Protection Bill a threat to privacy
The Bill violates the right to privacy, grants unchecked powers to the government, and expands the scope for surveillance. The rights of 1.4 billion people in India hang in the balance.
#DataProtectionBill #DataProtection #privacy #PersonalData #StateSurveillance #RTI #HumanRights #DataMining #india #AccessNow
#dataprotectionbill #dataprotection #privacy #personaldata #statesurveillance #rti #humanrights #datamining #india #accessnow
🔍 Data attributes, you've met your match! 🎯 From distinctness to meaningful difference, we've got it covered. Let's unravel the mystery together! 🧩 Discover the different types of attributes and their transformations. #DataAttributes #DataMining #DataScience
#dataattributes #datamining #datascience
Data Preprocessing is the 🌟key🌟 to unlocking valuable insights in #DataMining & #MachineLearning! Let's dive into the concepts together and level up our data analysis skills. 💪 #DataPrep #DataScience
#datamining #machinelearning #dataprep #datascience