J'ai beaucoup aimé l'article « Tags and Postgres Arrays, a Purrrfect Combination » https://www.crunchydata.com/blog/tags-aand-postgres-arrays-a-purrfect-combination
Je pense qu'à l'avenir, je vais utiliser ce modèle de donnée.
If you're going to our Cape Town event, you'll meet Neil!
He's going to be discussing the importance of predictive models for your stakeholders (before they are published), and his talk will come with some frameworks you can use, lessons learned and alot of knowledge!
See you there!
#DevConf #CapeTown #Data #datascientist #datamodels #EqualExperts
#devconf #capetown #data #datascientist #datamodels #equalexperts
Design model for deep learning projects
a conceptual "ground gold"! ⤵️ 👌🏼
#deeplearning #datascience #datamodels #dataanalysis