Marcel SIneM(S)US · @simsus
194 followers · 4287 posts · Server
Emily Barwell · @Techlawyer
130 followers · 99 posts · Server

The UK Information Commissioner has provided new direct marketing guidance clarifying what is and isn't covered by privacy regulations.

Direct marketing in the UK includes any marketing targeted to an individual and through any means. Sounds simple enough right? Most people would consider emails and phonecalls to be caught. But there are also rules to consider around other types of marketing such as:

📨 sending DMs through a social media channel
📨 where your marketing campaigns encourage customers to send on marketing materials to friends and family (refer a friend schemes)
📨 where the marketing is based purely on tracking technology (e.g. cookies, pixels etc.)

Link to the new direct marketing guidance here:

#directmarketing #privacy #emailmarketing #dataprotectioncommission

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
2685 followers · 244791 posts · Server

After $414M fine, Meta tries to avoid seeking user consent for personalized ads - Enlarge (credit: FRANCESCO ZERILLI/ZERILLIMEDIA/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY |... - .facebook.instagram

#gdpr #policy #dataprivacy #personalizedadvertising #meta #dataprotectioncommission #generaldataprotectionregulation

Last updated 2 years ago

heise online · @heiseonline
36643 followers · 851 posts · Server

Irische Datenschutzbehörde untersucht Twitter-Datenleck mit 5 Millionen Konten

Irlands Datenschutzaufsicht (DPC) nimmt sich Twitter vor und untersucht einen möglichen Datenschutzverstoß vom Sommer. Betroffen: 5,5 Millionen Nutzerkonten.

#dpc #dsgvo #dataprotectioncommission #datenschutz #datenschutzverstoße #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

“Twitter is onderwerp van een Europees privacyonderzoek nadat persoonlijke gegevens van ongeveer 5,4 miljoen gebruikers van het socialemediaplatform zijn gelekt. Het door Elon Musk overgenomen bedrijf hield zich mogelijk niet aan de in de Europese Unie geldende regels voor databescherming, meldt de Ierse privacytoezichthouder Data Protection Commission (DPC).”

#twitter #datalek #privacy #dataprotectioncommission #dpc

Last updated 2 years ago

heise online · @heiseonline
27638 followers · 542 posts · Server

Facebook-Scraping: Irische Datenschützer verhängen Millionenstrafe gegen Meta

265 Millionen Euro soll Meta in Irland zahlen. Der Konzern habe gegen die DSGVO verstoßen, sodass persönliche Daten abgegriffen werden konnten.

#dsgvo #dataprotectioncommission #datenschutz #datenschutzbehorde #facebook #irland #scraping #meta #news

Last updated 2 years ago · @tarnkappeinfo
1531 followers · 3788 posts · Server