Pourquoi une brosse à dent, me direz-vous ? Parce que la protection des données, surtout avec le principe "privacy by design", doit devenir une habitude, un réflexe aussi naturel que de se brosser les dents chaque jour.
Merci à Lucie Jufer, Charlotte Ammann, Floriane Fonjallaz, Sarah Vogel, Nathalie Follonier-Kehrli et tous mes collègues qui ont participé de près ou de loin à cette action de sensibilisation.
#privacy #privacyday #dataprotection #dataprotectionday
#dataprotectionday #dataprotection #privacyday #privacy
As we regulate #AI, #Chips & #Quantum, there are many lessons from #GDPR to reflect upon.
Primarily, that a clear framework of guiding principles will endure & enable innovation to flourish - far better than over prescription & trying to pick tech winners.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EvaMaydell/status/1620059524991438848
#AI #Chips #Quantum #GDPR #dataprotectionday
"We must renew our commitment to the endless march that is the European Union process, in which we advance together towards more democracy, prosperity, respect for fundamental rights" - Read EDPS Director @cerveranavas blogpost for #DataProtectionDay https://europa.eu/!tgXV8n
"We must renew our commitment to the endless march that is the European Union process, in which we advance together towards more democracy, prosperity, respect for fundamental rights" - Read EDPS Director @cerveranavas@twitter.com blogpost for #DataProtectionDay https://europa.eu/!tgXV8n
Honoured to receive the Stefano Rodotà Award 2023 from the Council of Europe Committee of Convention 108, with my PhD thesis on data protection awarded first place for #DataProtectionDay on 28 January.
Thank you to the Bureau of the Committee of Convention 108 for this Award and to those who supported me along the way, including my supervisors @tnhh & Kirstie Ball. I’m excited to be able present my research to the Committee at the Plenary in Strasbourg later this year!
In case you missed it: here’s a recap of major privacy developments we’ve rolled out in the past year 👇
RT @brave: Today is #DataProtectionDay (or #DataPrivacyDay depending on your geography), but at Brave, every day is data protection day.
Here's a recap of our key privacy developments from the past year...
#dataprivacyday #dataprotectionday
Happy #DataProtectionDay 💪
RT @enisa_eu: 🔐Today we celebrate #DataProtectionDay because supporting the integration of data protection safeguards is at the heart of new secure products and services.
More on what #ENISA does in the area of #dataprotection and privacy: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/topics/cybersecurity-policy/data-protection
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Cybersec_EU/status/1619648077853523970
#dataprotectionday #ENISA #dataprotection
The Council of Europe launched a #DataProtectionDay to be celebrated each year on 28 January, the date on which the Council of Europe’s #DataProtection convention, known as “Convention 108”, was opened for signature. Data Protection Day is now celebrated globally and is called #DataPrivacyDay outside Europe.
The purpose of Data Privacy Day is to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices. “Stop. Think. Connect.” slogan can be incorporated to this event to help all digital citizens employ universal behaviors to protect themselves online in hopes this habit will become second nature in our daily lives. https://staysafeonline.org/resources/online-safety-privacy-basics/
#dataprotectionday #dataprotection #dataprivacyday #infosec #cybersecurity
My latest article on LinkedIn:
"Happy Data Protection Day (or why absolutely no-one should have a privacy policy on their website)"
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/happy-data-protection-day-why-absolutely-no-one-have-richmond-coggan Hope you enjoy! #DataProtectionDay
Heute ist europäischer Datenschutz Tag.
Tretet immer für den Schutz eurer persönlichen Daten ein! Egel ob gegenüber Arbeitgeber, Unternehmen und dem Gesetzgeber. Privatsphäre ist einer der kostbarsten Güter die wir haben!
#privacyday #dataprotectionday
On this Data Protection Day 2023, the European Union and EU Member States have been key partners for Kenya in their effort to make the online space a safer place. The Government of Kenya is an advocate for data governance and data protection in the region. #DataProtectionDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinKenya/status/1619274286728097793
RT @beuc@twitter.com
On #DataProtectionDay we call on the @EU_Commission@twitter.com to urgently put forward its proposal to harmonise certain enforcement procedures of the GDPR! There is a clear problem with GDPR enforcement in cross-border cases which needs urgent solving. The #GDPR must be better enforced.
Today is #DataProtectionDay!
European data protection laws have become a global benchmark for the protection of personal data. Continuing to ensure their full implementation and robust enforcement remains our top priority.
Learn more➡️https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_23_391
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1619354737559601153
RT @CoE_DigitalGov
Mark #DataProtectionDay by enrolling in the @coe @CoEHELP online course on #dataprotection and #privacy rights
🔵available in several languages
🔵free of access and self-paced
🔵with e-certificate of accomplishment upon successful completion
(dvp 🙏🇪🇺)
#dataprotectionday #dataprotection #privacy
RT @brave
Today is #DataProtectionDay (or #DataPrivacyDay depending on your geography), but at Brave, every day is data protection day.
Here's a recap of our key privacy developments from the past year...
#dataprotectionday #dataprivacyday
W Dniu Ochrony Danych Osobowych podsumowujemy postępy w egzekwowaniu #RODO w #UniaEuropejska🇪🇺 oraz w promowaniu wysokich standardów ochrony danych na calym świecie🌍
↓ Dowiedz się więcej
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinWroclaw/status/1619292305067835392
#RODO #UniaEuropejska #dataprotectionday
Happy #DataProtectionDay!
A quick post explaining what data protection is about, and why it’s SO worthwhile
🇬🇧 Every day should be #DataProtectionDay, so support privacy NGOs that stand up for your fundamental rights all year long!
A big thank you goes i.e. to
for their fantastic work!
➡️ Follow and support!
#DataPrivacyDay #PrivacyDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/echo_pbreyer/status/1619332260951629824
#dataprotectionday #dataprivacyday #privacyday
Hoy, el #DataProtectionDay, es un día tan bueno como cualquier otro para recomendar este magnifico libro de @carissaveliz “Privacidad es poder”
RT @Audesome@twitter.activitypub.actor
When you leave your house you lock the door... How do you lock your online activity?
The #DataDetoxKit has tips to help you be better informed about how your data is used - and what you can do if it's a problem for you https://datadetoxkit.org/en/home/
#datadetoxkit #dataprivacyday #dataprotectionday