Here's a quote from a YouTube video I heard earlier today. 'In the modern age of the internet, we live by the motto that if something is online, it stays there. But the truth is that our creations are bound, sooner or later, to be cast into obscurity and forgotten'. Truer words were never spoken, and that's why, if you come across any you and/or others find valuable, I very strongly urge you to back it up and archive it anywhere you can, in as many places you can, be it OneDrive, Dropbox, the Internet Archive or your own website or file storage server. Let's work together to fight #DataRot and preserve as much of our online creations and discoveries as we possibly can! #data #archival #backup #preservation #DataArchival #DataBackup #DataPreservation
#datarot #data #archival #backup #preservation #DataArchival #databackup #datapreservation