Any computer vision people on #Mastodon ?
#datascienceisfun #Python #computervision #opencv #Mastodon
Is it possible to make deep learning convex? Give me your comments #deeplearning #AIOverlord #AlgorithmsAreUs #DataScienceIsFun #datascientists #programming
#Programming #datascientists #datascienceisfun #algorithmsareus #aioverlord #deeplearning
@Mrfunkedude Not a single study referenced / cited, say from a legalized country's health agency or from the various states in the US, let alone the decades of US Govt supplied prescribed patients (Dwindled down to just a handful of folks last time I spoke to one)
Primarily due to long standing research, supply bans and tight controls on the type of study.
Leaving no choice but to #DoYourOwnResearch
#datascienceisfun #doyourownresearch