The flood necklace piece represents the Loire river floods data btw 1800 and 2003, by water heights. The white spheres are the 2 "big ones" of 1856 & 1866 that lead to a national new policy for river management in France. #envhist. Tangible & Sensible historical knowledge about landscapes can be conveyed through #datartefacts & #datasculpture . Slow making of such #dataviz also impacts the relationship btw the data and the maker, allowing for better appropriation, as well as tactile memory.
#dataviz #datasculpture #datartefacts #envhist
@tillnagel very interesting realizations! Is there any way to know more about the "Making with Data" course you are giving? Thanks π #dataphyz #datasculpture
Hello! Happy to be here π
Initially a geographer π¨π¦π¬πΈπ²π« - into #Geomorphology and #EnvHistory. I left academia to join the Tech industry as a technical writer/knowledge manager. I lead an independant research about #dataphyz and #datasculpture since 2021. On a blog I publish creators interviews & data objects related articles, also featuring my own research-creation ceramic projects
#datasculpture #dataphyz #EnvHistory #geomorphology