#Datasette still works (SAVE/LOAD); Still need to dig up some 5.25" floppies to test the 1541~! U////U
Ach schön: jemand hat die Daten des Marktstammdatenregister (PV-Anlagen, Windräder etc.) aufbereitet und als #datasette (SQL im Browser) bereitgestellt: https://marktstammdatenregister.dev
Create big magic with #sqlite and #datasette. @simon takes you on a very inspiring tour through many of the features in datasette. #pycon #python
#sqlite #datasette #pycon #python
Aha, so interpretiert Stable Diffusion also die Eingabe "Load,8,1" und ich finde das Ergebnis sehr passend. Ein Anhänger ohne Zugmaschine kommt ja auch nicht voran, genauso wie damals das Laden von Datasette. 🤭
#stablediffusion #c64 #datasette
Jason Scott Reminds Us Of Software On Cassette Tapes
I had one of these, although it got pretty decrepit later on. Images here from the article on the Internet Archive.
Commodore users of a certain intersection of class and age will remember the Datasette, a custom tape player that early Vic-20 and C64 users could use
#retro #c64 #cassette #commodore #datasette #emulation #internetarchive #retro #spectrum #zx81
#zx81 #spectrum #internetarchive #emulation #datasette #commodore #cassette #c64 #retro
Just reporting a successful datasette build after upgrading a Debian 11 server to new v12 release ("bookworm") with default python3.11.2 version. Debian 12 was released within past couple days.
Used pipx to install datasette and plugins as standard non-root user.
csvs-to-sqlite module no longer works, error msg: read_csv() got an unexpected keyword argument 'error_bad_lines'. But using sqlite-utils instead works perfectly, so build was successful. 🤩
Exploring Initial Teacher Training data with Datasette
Learning some core features of Datasette, using a small but interesting set of data from the DfE #Datasette #datajournalism #100DaysToOffload
#datasette #datajournalism #100daystooffload
Here's how I used #datasette + @felt and @datawrapper to map and chart wildfires for ☝️ this @muckrock story.
I wrote this tiny #datasette plugin in an hour or two, and it has become a must-have on all my projects https://datasette.io/plugins/datasette-query-files Now if I can just make it faster.
A great talk from @simon back at Djangocon US 2022
"Massively increase your productivity on personal projects with comprehensive documentation and automated tests"
"Coping strategies for the serial project hoarder"
#django #djangocon #productivity #projects #documentation #automatedtests #datasette #github #githubprojects #theperfectcommitt #issues #code #development
#django #djangocon #productivity #projects #documentation #automatedtests #datasette #github #githubprojects #theperfectcommitt #issues #code #development
Eines meiner aktuellen Projekte zur Archivierung von nützlichen Tools für Commodore-Basic- und Assemblerprogrammierer...
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #8bit #tools #retrocomputer #tape #floppy #datasette
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #8bit #tools #retrocomputer #tape #floppy #datasette
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #gamedev #8bit #retrogaming #wizball #tape #datasette
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #gamedev #8bit #retrogaming #wizball #tape #datasette
A classic Commodore 64 game on tape..
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #gamedev #8bit #retrogaming #wizball #tape #datasette
#c64 #c64games #c64mini #c64g #c64maxi #commodore64 #commodoreamiga #commodoregames #c128 #commodore128 #c64c #gamedev #8bit #retrogaming #wizball #tape #datasette
@overflo ggf kann #datasette da hilfreich sein, hatte leider selbst noch nicht die Gelegenheit damit rumzuspielen 🙁
This godforsaken rabbit hole brought to you by:
* Oh, it'd be cool to use something like #Datasette to index a shitton of compressed files that I have
* Hm, using libarchive might suck less than shelling out to various compression tools
* Oh cool there's a Python binding
* Nope, that one tries to dlopen libarchive.so on Windows
* Oh cool there's another Python binding
* Oh fuck, it uses SWIG
* What the fuck?
* Fuck this
* Fuck, I'm installing vcpkg again
At this point I think, to achieve forward progress, I'm going to do an RDS restore and connect to the DB via psql.
Not what I was hoping for, but I'm not familiar enough with parquet to to get it munged into #datasette.
I'm open to suggestions for things to try, but for now this is:
So I now have a working #datasette and all the .gz.parquet files downloaded. So I follow the instructions at https://github.com/cldellow/datasette-parquet, create a metadata.json with the right pointers and… hmm.
So... maybe it's an issue with the fact that these are .gz.parquet?
Tape version release of PHASE OUT by Psytronik in 2014.
#c64 #c128 #datasette #tape #commodore64 #commodore128 #retro #retrocomputer #retrogaming #vintagecomputer #vintagegaming #homecomputer #psytronik #phaseout #8bit #8bitgaming #gamedev #indiedev #gamedesign
#c64 #c128 #datasette #tape #commodore64 #commodore128 #retro #retrocomputer #retrogaming #vintagecomputer #vintagegaming #homecomputer #psytronik #phaseout #8bit #8bitgaming #gamedev #indiedev #gamedesign