What to do about the lack of #DataSkills?
In the iTalks series organised by our iLab, 🔟 experts on #DataLiteracy discussed it with almost 7⃣0⃣0⃣ participants from public sector, academia, and civil society! 👩💻
Missed it? Check the slides & recordings 👉 https://europa.eu/!x98WfB
2⃣0⃣2⃣3⃣ is the #EuropeanYearofSkills. Seize it to improve your digital skills.👩💻
In our second iTalk on #dataliteracy you will find out how the Open Data Institute and PUBLIC School of Technology help public sector develop #dataskills.
Register here 👉 https://europa.eu/!x98WfB
#EuropeanYearOfSkills #dataliteracy #dataskills
At a very interesting session in @maynoothuni Great discussion of ICT/Digital skills. When we look at the competencies website (an EU initiative) we see non-compliant cookies. Comptencies start with the basics. #DataProtection #DataStrategy #DataSkills
#dataprotection #datastrategy #dataskills
RT @ICCWales
We're looking forward to welcoming @SQLBits next week. This year's theme is Dungeons and Dragons - level up your #dataskills and reach new heights from 14-18th March with tailored training days and general sessions. Find out more👉https://bit.ly/3YtwBA9 #eventprofs
New Open Data Institute five year strategy:
#DataInfrastucture #OpenData
#Trust #EDI #DataEcosystem #DataSkills
#datainfrastucture #opendata #trust #edi #dataecosystem #dataskills
🚨Do not miss: Hans-Christian Waldmann, Professor of Theoretical Psychology & Psychometrics @UniBremen, fosters a critical mindset when it comes to relating data to meaning in our next #DataTrain lecture!
Register: https://www.bremen-research.de/data-train/courses/course-catalogue/course-details?event_id=7
#datatrain #criticalthinking #dataskills
I teach R and Data Skills at University and I've been getting a few student complaints on why they're being taught R as they think it is irrelevant to their degrees (e.g., biochemistry, biomedical sciences, bioveterinary sciences)... and while I get the sentiment, I know people in these and closely allied fields that benefited greatly from learning R. It took their careers in ways that would not have been possible if not for their R skills...
#rstats #datascience #dataskills
#rstats #datascience #dataskills
FREE scientific computing courses for environmental scientists.
Delivered by EPCC, these courses will cover a range of core data skills for efficient, shareable & reproducible research practices.
Courses are open to any scientist working within the NERC domain in any academic, public, or third sector org.
Registration is open for:
• 21 & 22 February 2023, Edinburgh
• 23 & 24 March 2023, online via Zoom
Full info & registration: https://bit.ly/3G2KEGl
On Friday at 2pm I'll be talking to the RIOTS Club about how @UofGPsychNeuro transformed our curriculum to priotise data skills and reproducibility and why #rstats is important but also just a tool - free to join and no need to register!
#rstats #openscience #reproducibility #dataskills
Tonight’s toot brought to you from a quaint country pub in Cheshire.
Solo dinner ahead of a two day event about data and tech in healthcare.
Tomorrow I’ll speak on the importance of data skills for healthcare workers.
#techevangelism #data #healthcare #dataskills
You'll also be pleased to hear we're now accepting applicants for our latest Women Returners course.
This is a data-intensive 5-week online course. Fully funded for any woman in Scotland returning to work following a career break!
See more: codedivision.co.uk/womenreturners
The Women Returners Programme is Funded by the Scottish Government and administered by Skills Development Scotland.
#careerbreak #womenreturners #data #dataskills #online #OnlineCourse #remote #scotland
#scotland #remote #OnlineCourse #online #dataskills #data #womenreturners #careerbreak
So proud to see our latest Women Returners course, designed specifically for Ukrainian Women, celebrated on BBC Scotland's 'Reporting Scotland' section yesterday 👏
On this course we focused on developing confidence, digital & employability skills within the displaced Ukrainian community in Glasgow 🇺🇦🏴
Will you help us run more of these courses? Contact us today: digitalempowerment@codedivision.co.uk ✉️
#skillsdevelopmentscotland #community #ukrainian #womenreturners #traumainformed #dataskills
#dataskills #traumainformed #womenreturners #ukrainian #community #skillsdevelopmentscotland
I am a lecturer in #Psychology at #UniveristyOfGlasgow on the #LearningAndTeaching strand.
I lecture in #statistics and #ResearchMethods, focussing on helping students realise they don’t have to love it but they can do it!
I work in #AssessmentAndFeedback, hoping to make staff and students engage more with the process. #SoTL
I love teaching with #OpenScience & teaching #DataSkills to all, like our #PsyTeachR materials.
And I sometimes do studies on #VoicePerception, #Hello 👋
#introduction #psychology #univeristyofglasgow #learningandteaching #statistics #researchmethods #assessmentandfeedback #sotl #openscience #dataskills #psyteachr #voiceperception #hello
It's been a long time coming - excited to share our new #PsyTeachR preprint in which we make the case for teaching #dataskills & coding like #rstats at undergraduate #psychology - for #reproducibility, #openscience & #employability, we must give our students the skills they deserve & that modern science needs.
With @mcaleerp, @debruine, @HelenaPaterson, Niamh Stack, Heather Woods, Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel and Dale Barr
#PsyTeachR #dataskills #rstats #psychology #reproducibility #openscience #employability