Current mood:
Datassette - Let's Move To Belgium [Zetex]
#zetex #datassette #currentmood
@pybonacci @robintw #datassette looks quite interesting. Thanks for the suggestion!
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #LateJunction
🎵 Rain on Acanthus Leaves (live)
#nowplaying #latejunction #datassette
#icymi musicForProgramming() accepts other parameters
function musicFor(task = 'programming') { return `A series of mixes intended for listening while ${task} to focus the brain and inspire the mind.`; }
#productivity #programming #synth #drones #arpeggios #atmospheres #fieldRecordings
#idm #microtones #datassette #electronicMusic
#electronicmusic #datassette #Microtones #idm #fieldrecordings #Atmospheres #arpeggios #drones #synth #programming #productivity #icymi
The old #datassette system and all the fun of loading games in the #80s ... You had to be a very patient kid if you wanted to play a game from #cassette or from manually written #Basic code! :blobcatgiggle:
#datassette #80s #cassette #basic #commodore64 #gaming #retrogaming #youtube #video
I watched MVG's "How Old-School Cassette Tape Drives Played Games" while I was playing #MadMixII, a great #PacMania clone made by #TopoSoft, on the #AmstradCPC emulator for the #Anbernic #RG353p and I was surprised to learn how different the #C64 #Datassette was (digital vs analog), how error correction worked and how some folks invented the Turbo Loader, which was a very small programme loaded at first which changed how the #C64 interpreted the data on the cassette.
#madmixii #pacmania #toposoft #amstradcpc #anbernic #rg353p #c64 #datassette
Who else cherishes their #C64 #Datassette so much that they actually use a dust cover for it? Bonus question: Who takes it off to use the tape drive regularly?