RT @dnds_ceu@twitter.com: Summer holidays are here but don't forget to submit to #DataStories2023!
[deadline 24 Sept 2023, physical presence not required]
Check previous editions: https://datastoriesceu.org/speakers/archive
@dnds_ceu #dataviz #DataVisualization #datastories #DataAnalysis
#datastories2023 #dataviz #datavisualization #datastories #dataanalysis
Sehr spannender Vortrag von Hendrik Lehmann @tagesspiegel (#Tagesspiegel) zu #DigitalJournalism. Techniken interaktiver Erzählungen über Daten kann man eigentlich auch in der #DigitalHistory anwenden - etwa in #DataStories. #DigHis23 #DH
#tagesspiegel #digitaljournalism #digitalhistory #datastories #dighis23 #dh
This week we continue our series of highlights of some of the #GovTech data services we run for the UK public sector.
#ReferenceData #OpenData #DataScience #LinkedData #DataStories
#govtech #referencedata #opendata #datascience #linkeddata #datastories
»Visual and Dynamic Arrangements of Narratives« funded by @bmbf_bund has come to an end with a major update of the project website documenting activities and outcomes over last 3.5 years!
Big thanks to perfect partners civity Management Consultants and @tazgetroete
#vidanfhp #scrollytelling #datavis #datajournalism #datastories
#datastories #datajournalism #datavis #scrollytelling #vidanfhp
I enjoyed the recent episode of #dataStories Formalizing Design with Gabrielle Mérite and Alan Wilson hosted by @moritz
It was fascinating to listen to their discussion on #designsystems , but what resonated most with me was the last part where Moritz stated how most #webdesign looks the same nowadays.
Of course that makes new websites easier to navigate, because they all have the same structure and style.
But it's also a bit boring.
What do you think?
#webdesign #designsystems #datastories
this little #javascript lib was surprisingly good at extracting tables from a pdf https://ronnywang.github.io/pdf-table-extractor/ where tabula couldn't sort ot the multiline nature of the cells #datastories
New WP: 'Arts-based methods for researching digital life.' Data Stories Working Paper 1. Draft of a chapter forthcoming in 'Researching Digital Life', a book co-authored with James Ash and Agnieszka Leszczynski
#artsmethods #researchcreation #methods #datastories
RT @JessicaDFoley@twitter.com
A fantastic opportunity to work with @RobKitchin@twitter.com @MU__SSI@twitter.com on the @DatastoriesMU@twitter.com project - if you're an artist and/or writer interested in the power and politics of story making/telling with/through/about planning and property data - this is one for you! #jobfairy #datastories https://twitter.com/DatastoriesMU/status/1610590145337593859
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JessicaDFoley/status/1611131667271516161
How doggy is your name?
"How common are dogs with human names? To find out, we explored the names of 61,000 dogs available for adoption on the website Petfinder, and compared them with baby names in Social Security Administration records stretching back to 1880."
This is a great little bit of data exploration. And from an #SEO perspective, these are the types of #DataStories that earn links in droves.
Artists and Writers! We have three 12 month residences available on the DataStories project.
3 artist/writer-in-residence posts (12 months) to work on the ERC funded Data Stories project.
Roles run from August 2023–July 2024 (working on two case studies, each running for six months).
Payment is a contract-for-services fee of €32,000 inclusive of expenses.
Closing date: 13 Feb 2023
More details at: https://datastories.maynoothuniversity.ie/?p=86
#datastories #writerinresidence #artistinresidence
Reading… Why Data Gaps Are Often the Missing Link for Data Stories https://stamen.com/how-data-gaps-contribute-complete-data-stories/ by Alan McConchie and Eric Rodenbeck at Stamen - posing the question “What would change if we viewed data gaps as opportunities and strengths instead of challenges and weaknesses in the data stories we tell?” #DataStories
Yay! New #datastories episode out
Highlights from IEEE VIS'22 with Tamara Munzner ( https://vis.social/@tamara )
we have a new paper out in the wonderful #openaccess journal ƒi®s† m⦻ñd@¥:
»Disclosure as a critical-feminist design practice for Web-based data stories« by Hannah Schwan, Jonas Arndt, and Marian Dörk
you can find the data story here:
#datavis #datafeminism #scrollytelling #datastories #disclosure #contextualization #criticalperspectives #vidanfhp
#vidanfhp #criticalperspectives #Contextualization #disclosure #datastories #scrollytelling #datafeminism #datavis #openaccess
@mattbrehmer Come for the #visinpractice, stay for the #datastories meetup in the evening of Oct 22! (place tbd)