RT @goabiaryan
A bigger picture is all you need :coffee_hello: :blobthinkingglare: :flan_molotov:
#100daysofmlcode #MLops #datastuff #datascientists #datascienceeducation #devopsonline #MachineLearning
#100daysofmlcode #MLops #datastuff #datascientists #datascienceeducation #devopsonline #machinelearning
I guess this has been enough social media for a week. Realising Twitter was gonna fail faster than I had earlier anticipated,getting on mastodon and finding our #AI #ML #datastuff tribe was definitely one of the most fun sick-day activity to engage in over these last two days.
I guess I will wrap up with this hilarious post I just found about Web3 and decentralisation here on Mastodon. Happy weekend #DataScience #MachineLearning people :)
#MachineLearning #DataScience #datastuff #ml #AI
I guess this has been enough social media for a week. Realising Twitter was gonna fail faster than I had earlier anticipated,getting on mastodon and finding our #AI #ML #datastuff tribe was definitely one of the most fun sick-day activity to engage in over these last two days.
I guess I will wrap up with this hilarious post I just found about Web3 and decentralisation here on Mastodon. Happy weekend #DataScience #MachineLearning people :)
#MachineLearning #DataScience #datastuff #ml #AI
So, Mastadon prefers longer hashtags, while we can use #AI and #ML while writing a post/toot but to explore it prefers longer hashtags.Though #ArtificialintelligenceAI and #MachineLearning are pretty hard to type and there are variations of these hashtags with wrong spellings.
Which hashtags is everyone in #datastuff #DataScience #dataengineering #MLops planning on using to index their searches?
Should we go with something like #aiml that's basically a catchall for both #AI and #ML?
#aiml #MLops #dataengineering #DataScience #datastuff #MachineLearning #ArtificialintelligenceAI #ml #AI
So, Mastadon prefers longer hashtags, while we can use #AI and #ML while writing a post/toot but to explore it prefers longer hashtags.Though #ArtificialintelligenceAI and #MachineLearning are pretty hard to type and there are variations of these hashtags with wrong spellings.
Which hashtags is everyone in #datastuff #DataScience #dataengineering #MLops planning on using to index their searches?
Should we go with something like #aiml that's basically a catchall for both #AI and #ML?
#aiml #MLops #dataengineering #DataScience #datastuff #MachineLearning #ArtificialintelligenceAI #ml #AI
A bigger picture is all you need :coffee_hello: :blobthinkingglare: :flan_molotov:
#100daysofmlcode #MLops #datastuff #datascientists #datascienceeducation #devopsonline #MachineLearning
#MachineLearning #devopsonline #datascienceeducation #datascientists #datastuff #MLops #100daysofmlcode
A bigger picture is all you need :coffee_hello: :blobthinkingglare: :flan_molotov:
#100daysofmlcode #MLops #datastuff #datascientists #datascienceeducation #devopsonline #MachineLearning
#MachineLearning #devopsonline #datascienceeducation #datascientists #datastuff #MLops #100daysofmlcode
Let me help everyone find friends :bulbasaurroll:Here are a few of the #AI #ML #datastuff people you may wanna follow on Mastadon
Feel free to tag yourself and others if they are not already on the list :coffeev60:
Let me help everyone find friends :bulbasaurroll:Here are a few of the #AI #ML #datastuff people you may wanna follow on Mastadon
Feel free to tag yourself and others if they are not already on the list :coffeev60:
With all the new Twitter firings taking place this Friday, I am wondering if the Revue team (acq. by Twitter) will stay on and if so,for how long?
Regardless, I think it's time I moved my newsletter from Revue to Substack too. If you are interested in hearing about Data Infrastructure, ML Systems, and new startups/research papers/tools in the #MLOps space feel free to sub.No spamming. Just one letter a month
#MachineLearning #dataengineering #ml #AI #datastuff #MLops
With all the new Twitter firings taking place this Friday, I am wondering if the Revue team (acq. by Twitter) will stay on and if so,for how long?
Regardless, I think it's time I moved my newsletter from Revue to Substack too. If you are interested in hearing about Data Infrastructure, ML Systems, and new startups/research papers/tools in the #MLOps space feel free to sub.No spamming. Just one letter a month
#MachineLearning #dataengineering #ml #AI #datastuff #MLops
Der #CodingDaVinci lebt weiter! Für alle #CdV-Affiniciados & #Wikidata-Interessierte: am 25.11. bieten @sonjathiel , @_omwo , Nils Casties von der OSLHannover, Ilias Kyriazis & ich einen online Workshop zu unserem #wikiproject an.
Anmeldung: umfrage.landesmuseum.de/s/sfik4iu
#OpenRefine #LOD #culturaldata #datastuff
#datastuff #culturaldata #LOD #openrefine #wikiproject #wikidata #cdv #CodingdaVinci
#introductions Hi all! I am interested in #philosophyofscience #historyofscience #STS #datastuff #openscience #biology #plants #philosophy #science #democracy - well lots more but that’s a starting point - and I am hoping to get a hang of how Mastodon works & find folks with similar interests here!
#Democracy #Science #philosophy #Plants #biology #openscience #datastuff #sts #historyofscience #philosophyofscience #Introductions