🤔Have you ever wondered how social medias keep track of the number of likes and comments under each post? @jkomyno will tell us the answer at his talk "Adaptable query accuracy at scale"! 📊👍
#SocialMedia #DataTracking #PyConCZ23
#SocialMedia #datatracking #pyconcz23
For y'all who use #Strava (we don't), here's a heads-up we rec'd via #DuckDuckGo newsletter.
"Researchers found that... Strava's heatmap feature, which was introduced to 'anonymously aggregate users' outdoor activity (#running, #cycling, etc.) to help identify common trails and #exercise hotspots...[and]... provide a 'social' aspect to physical activity, can be 'de-anonymized' to identify people's home addresses... with a 37.5% accuracy rate."
Alfonso Maruccia, Techspot reports: https://www.techspot.com/news/99027-strava-heatmaps-found-violate-users-privacy-again.html
#strava #duckduckgo #running #cycling #exercise #datatracking #privacy #BikeTooter #Bicycling #biking #bicycle
War viel zu schnell vorbei, der Hands on Workshop zum #Datentracking im wissenschaftlichen workflow #datatracking bei der #111bibliocon mit @msiemund @RenkeSiems @steyerti @kuf und raffaela kunz! Wir wollen in Kontakt bleiben und uns weitere Schritte überlegen, auch ein Nachbericht ist in Planung! Danke für's Kommen und den großen Zuspruch! Meldet euch bei mir, wenn ihr mit dabei sein wollt und Ideen habt #openscience #datensouveränität
#datentracking #datatracking #111bibliocon #openscience #datensouveranitat
📣 Nicht verpassen: Hands-on Lab Datentracking im wissenschaftlichen Workflow! Diesen Mittwoch, 24.05.2023, 14:00 - 16:00 auf der #bibliocon #bibliocon23 #bibliocon2023 #datatracking #datentracking #openscience
Mit @RenkeSiems @steyerti @msiemund Rafaela Kunze und @kuf Link zum Abstract: https://dbt2023.abstractserver.com/program/#/details/sessions/57
#bibliocon #bibliocon23 #bibliocon2023 #datatracking #datentracking #openscience
‘Delete Act’ Seeks to Give Californians More Power to Block Data #Tracking | KQED
#california #datatracking #privacy
#privacy #datatracking #california #tracking
So glad my friends incidentally told me yesterday about this #UK #mobilephone #emergency alert drill at 3pm today! Without that knowledge I would have been completely panicked especially as the sound my phone emitted was completley alien! I was home but it must have been so much fun in a public place, carnage 😂! #nucleartest #phonetracking #datatracking
#uk #mobilephone #Emergency #nucleartest #phonetracking #datatracking
My favorite thing, someone questioning my hashtag use.
Please, go on.
I can do this all day.
I'll be sure to add something to the end of every post though, to ensure you understand.
Tip of the Day: Some forms of Social Engineering are use of hashtags and learning about your audience.
#AmWriting #coffee #InfoSec #KnowYourAudience #DataTracking #ICanDoThisAllDay
#amwriting #coffee #infosec #knowyouraudience #datatracking #icandothisallday
I installed Instagram yesterday on my phone, after a hiatus of a few months. I checked my feed later that day and had four stories about migraines. I had mentioned my migraine to one friend in a text earlier. Super creepy. Uninstalled the app #thesocialdilemma #instagram #datatracking
#datatracking #instagram #TheSocialDilemma
Good morning and welcome to our brand new Mastodon Content event, "Is This Legit?" with Phil the Pill.
Today: Squeaky.AI
Squeaky is described as: "a privacy-friendly analytics suite that lets you capture up to 60% more data than legacy tools. With Squeaky, you can get insights into your customers’ behavior without compromising their privacy. Use Squeaky to make better decisions for your business."
Now we turn it over to the fediverse. Is this legit? #DataTracking #Privacy #WebDesign #WebDev
#datatracking #privacy #webdesign #webdev