π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are the 7 steps to perform a data analysis, according to The Accidental Analyst by Eileen McDaniel, PhD and Stephen McDaniel.
π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 5 mathematical thinking lessons from How Not To Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg.
π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 10 basic statistics lessons from Naked Statistics by Charles Wheelan.
π Every other week, I post a review from my Data Viz Bookshelf on LinkedIn and on my blog.
Check it out!
This week, an all-time favourite: The Big Book of Dashboards by Wexler, Shaffer & Cotgreave
#datafam #dataviz #dashboard #datavizbookshelf
This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 10 lessons about metric fixation from The Tyranny of Metrics by Jerry Z. Muller.
Hey friends!
π The Data Viz Bookshelf is also on Medium!
This week: Information Dashboard Design by Stephen Few
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #dashboard #vissocial
This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 6 graphicacy lessons from How Charts Lie by AlbertoΒ Cairo.
Hey friends!
π Every other week, I post a review from my Data Viz Bookshelf on LinkedIn and on my blog.
Check it out!
This one's gonna ruffle some feathers: Information Dashboard Design by Stephen Few
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #dashboard #vissocial
π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are the 6 steps to make data-informed decisions from Turning Data Into Wisdom by Kevin Hanegan.
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial
Hey friends!
π The Data Viz Bookshelf is also on Medium!
This week: Data-Driven Storytelling (multiple authors)
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial
π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 10 things I learned from Be Data Literate by Jordan Morrow
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial
Hey friends!
π Every other week, I post a review from my Data Viz Bookshelf on LinkedIn and on my blog.
Check it out!
This week: Data-Driven Storytelling (multiple authors)
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial
π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 10 things I learned from Avoiding Data Pitfalls by Ben Jones
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial
π This is The Bookshelf in a nutshell! The TL;DR, quick-fire, no fluff summaries of my long-form Data Viz Bookshelf reviews.
Here are 10 things I learned from Factfulness by Hans, Ola and Anna Rosling.
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial
Hey friends!
π The Data Viz Bookshelf is back!
Every other week, I post a review from my data viz bookshelf on LinkedIn and on my blog. Check it out!
This week: Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
#datafam #datavizbookshelf #datavisualization #dataviz #datastorytelling #vissocial