Did you know that about 80% of #guns recovered at crime scenes in #Mexico can be traced back to the #US?
I made a #map and other #dataviz for an article by The *A-Mark Foundation* about the drugs-to-guns pipeline between the two countries.
The map's design is inspired by #DataWrapper for consistency with the other figures.
Link: https://amarkfoundation.org/why-cant-the-u-s-and-mexico-halt-the-drugs-to-guns-pipeline/
#guns #mexico #us #map #dataviz #datawrapper
I did a #dataviz class last week and resolved to do at least one visualization per week, so today I'm turning this poll into data visualizations. First, here's #datawrapper: https://www.datawrapper.de/_/Wjlt1/
#dataviz #datawrapper #journalism #journolife #coffee #tea
I'm back in my #dataviz for journalists class today. We're learning all about #datawrapper in this session, including topics relating to #accessibility.
#dataviz #datawrapper #accessibility #journalism #journolife
@oconnell German articles, but I think the graphs can still be understood:
Active satellites in orbit:
Discovered Exoplanets by year and method:
Exoplanet by different parameters (distance, orbital time, mass and discovery method):
#datawrapper #dataviz #journalism #tech
Introducing #GIS at the Urban Fellows Programme, Indian Institute for Human Settlements, Bangalore has been an enriching experience over the years. Our small team of researchers and developers at the Geospatial Lab, teach the basics of #spatial thinking, mapping and visualisation using open source tools like #qgis #datawrapper #GoogleEarth and more!
Exciting to see how folks from different backgrounds consume spatial data, visualise and build narratives.
Check out: https://urbanfellows.iihs.co.in/
#GIS #spatial #qgis #datawrapper #GoogleEarth
#introduction Hi, I work at #datawrapper where I’m primarily focusing on designing and developing our visualization modules. We see Datawrapper not just as a visualization tool but also as a “visualization teacher”, so we spend a lot of time discussing what features to add, and how to pick smart, context-sensitive defaults. Striking a balance between user needs and “best” visualization practices (based on infovis research) isn’t easy, but it’s also a fun challenge!
“Lijst units op Sumatra 45 - 50
Ik heb (een deel van de) beschikbare informatie over leger eenheden uit diverse bronnen gecombineerd. Met #Datawrapper zijn 270 records online gezet.
Een selectie van ~70 eenheden staan - per Brigade - hieronder vermeld.” https://buff.ly/2YHfEG4
Names of crew on Sumatra
I’ve used #datawrapper to make an online searchable table which contains 246 names, rank role, tasks, remarks and units of crew who served on Sumatra between 1945 and 1950 https://buff.ly/2AO5z11
#datawrapper #75jaar #remember #names #knil #121sqn #122sqn #17VARWA
Update tabel interessante elektrische auto's. Experimentje met #datawrapper
Datawrapper: https://buff.ly/2vk5Cf4
@scott now #datawrapper purchases my hardware and i’m quite happy with my new dell xps 13. really nice hardware, about the same price category as macbooks, running ubuntu + budgie desktop