Balsamic Apple Date Challah from North End Nosh. A drop of wine, a drizzle of honey - a luscious fruit mix wrapped in a soft brioche is perfect to bring in a sweet New Year. Make it again - for fall and winter brunches, teatime or your morning toast.
A satisfying holiday main:
#bread #yeast #brunch #jewish #dates #apples
#bread #yeast #brunch #jewish #dates #apples
{lubridate} makes working with dates in R just that little bit easier: #rstats #dates
Dear Atlassian,
You are/were an Australian Company. Can we have proper fucking dates please!
I feel like “killer” is a bit extreme for language promoting #ChocolateDates.
#chocolatedates #arabian #dates
Link to the full text:
#dates #locations & #requests to the #universe
#dates #locations #requests #universe
I don't know how I managed to get to be 55 years old without realizing that #dates and #figs are absolutely delicious. I mean I've had date nut roll and fig newtons, but never did I just try the raw dried #fruit. What other natural goodness has #poverty kept hidden from me all these years?
{lubridate} makes working with dates in R just that little bit easier: #rstats #dates
It's #time to learn how to work with #dates, no matter how hard it seems from the outside. To help us cope, @jonskeet will be delivering a #training session at #SoCraTes UK.
Don't get caught out by daylight saving or time zones ever again!
#time #dates #training #socrates #softwarecrafter #conference #community
When is the next Friday the 13th? How many Friday the 13ths will there be in 2024? I’ll show you how to make date and time calculations in Swift and answer these questions!
#Swift #SwiftLang #iOS #programming #date #dates #time #times #iPhone #Apple
#swift #swiftlang #ios #programming #date #dates #time #times #iphone #apple
What time is it? When does daylight saving kick in? Will all invitees be able to attend this meeting?
Working with #dates and #times is hard. Come to #SoCraTes UK's #training day where @jonskeet will explain how to keep it manageable.
#dates #times #socrates #training #softwarecrafts #openspace #unconference
#joebiden what are the #dates of your #presidential #debates? I want to put them on my #calendar.
Both #primary and #GeneralElection
#biden #potus #dnc #DNC2024 #dncwintermeeting #WhiteHouse
#debate #01202025
#joebiden #dates #presidential #debates #calendar #primary #generalelection #biden #potus #dnc #dnc2024 #dncwintermeeting #whitehouse #debate
Hero x Kel. They’re just balls of sunshine with everyone, no one questions them if they have love interests or not. In reality, they’re secretly dating. They just can’t picture themselves with anyone else. The weekly creampies, dates, BJ’s. Then Kel gets pregnant, now it gets serious. #omori #heroxkel #herokel #twincest #incest #mpreg #dates
#omori #heroxkel #herokel #twincest #incest #mpreg #dates
This coming Sunday is Easter on the Greek Orthodox calendar. These cookies (mahmool) are made and served to represent the crown of thorns. The cookie is a delicate semolina dough and they are filled with a date paste. I veganized the recipe. #Vegan #VeganBaking #Easter #EasterBaking #Cookies #Dates
#dates #Cookies #easterbaking #Easter #veganbaking #Vegan
Dating Profile: a picture of the ocean.
Me: "Wow that ocean is so sexy! I want to date it! Like!!!!!"
#dating #datingprofile #ocean #relationships #dates
Can you display the 3rd Wednesday of July 2023 at 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time as it would appear in the Coptic calendar system in Melbourne, Australia’s time zone?
Swift can, and I’ll show you how in the Auth0 by Okta developer blog!
#iOS #iPhone #programming #Swift #SwiftLang #date #dates #time #times #Auth0 #Okta
#ios #iphone #programming #swift #swiftlang #date #dates #time #times #auth0 #okta