'S e #DiMàirtMandala a th' ann an-diugh! / It's #MandalaTuesday today!
Bha na dà mhandalaichean seo bho leabhar-dathte Mandalas Brèagha le Erica Jean Smith. Cheannaich mi e bho Amazon. B' e seo a' chiad leabhar-dathte mandala a cheannaich mi. Chòrd e rium gun robh dhà den aon dealbh ann. B' urrainn dhomh diofar dhathan fheuchainn.
These two mandalas are from the colouring book Beautiful Mandalas by Erica Jean Smith. I bought it from Amazon. It was the first mandala colouring book that I bought. I liked that there were two of the same picture. I could try out different colours.
#Coloring #Colouring #Mandala #Meditation #Gàidhlig #Dathte #Meòmhrachadh
#dimairtmandala #mandalatuesday #coloring #colouring #mandala #meditation #gaidhlig #dathte #meomhrachadh