Getting Ghosted
#dating #datingapps #ghosted #igotghosted #datingsucks #jurassicparked #gettingjurassicparked #funny #funnyreel
#dating #datingapps #ghosted #igotghosted #datingsucks #jurassicparked #gettingjurassicparked #funny #funnyreel
#Vetting men is SO FRUSTRATING. It just took me more than a month to find out this fool is antivax. Not just “I don’t want one” but fully so terrified of science he doesn’t even know what types of vaccines his country offers. Definitely got the red flags every time he changed the subject, but when I asked him what vaccines they offer in his country and he said “all of them”, then I knew he was willfully ignorant.
I definitely knew there was problematic thinking when I asked how he would know if Covid was bad there and he said “they would tell us”. So when I saw they had a 75% increase in hospitalizations from one week to the next, I showed him and I said “See they didn’t tell you. You had no idea.” His response was that they would lock down. 😂😂😂 I don’t understand why he thinks that when they aren’t even requiring masks except for surgical masks in healthcare settings.
As a woman who is childfree by choice I certainly learned long ago that I can’t reveal that before asking their views because they will lie. And I know they lie about Covid stuff, but I didn’t think this one would because we know each other, and each other’s friends and families.
But this one is just dumb. When I told him I had MECFS he wanted to have “a talk” about it to make sure he wont catch it (even though he could have read the CDC pages I sent.) I sent him Ed Yong’s article from the Atlantic about MECFS and long Covid because it’s better than the CDC pages. When I asked him if he read it he changed the subject so I know he didn’t, and now I know it’s because it had the words Long Covid in it. He told me a story about a girl I knew in high school he refused to date because she told him she had herpes but she hasn’t had an outbreak in years & he freaked out and told her he wasn’t willing to “risk his life” to date her. WTF??😂😂
How have I only heard of ‘situationships’ today?
Finally, language to describe that nonsense.
#situationship #relationships #Flaky #Dating #DatingHell #DatingSucks
#situationship #relationships #flaky #dating #datinghell #datingsucks
🎶🎶🎶Everything I see makes me glad I’m not straight🎶🎶🎶
#fresh #horrormovies #horror #datingsucks #scarfandtshirt
Just finished "What Happened Was... " (1994) and, man, what a surreal and eye-opening experience. The film takes our daily worries and misunderstandings about dating and magnifies them to lay them bare. Then, it's easy to understand why we can't understand potential mates and partners. I read women like I'm blind and there's no such thing as braille, which has caused situations almost like in the film, so I can appreciate the tragic beauty of dating. I'm sure you can too.