I hear lots of buzz about more Daredevil. I love Daredevil, and I love the guy who plays Daredevil, but why is no one agitating for Daughters of the Dragon? It was all set up!
And is there really anybody, anywhere, who gives a shit about seeing more Echo? I really just wanted her to get arrowed to death in the last series she was in.
#mcu #ironfist #nightwing #daughtersofthedragon
Test fitting my Misty Knight cosplay (work in progress) #MistyKnight #HeroesForHire #DaughtersOfTheDragon #MarvelCosplay #DIYcosplay #BlackCosplayer #MistyKnightCosplay
#mistyknightcosplay #blackcosplayer #diycosplay #marvelcosplay #daughtersofthedragon #heroesforhire #mistyknight