The @videolan #dav1d 1.2.1 Released With More Performance Optimizations
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#dav1d 1.2 Released With More SIMD Optimizations
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#dav1d 1.1 Released With More #AVX512 Improvements
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FOSDEM talk notes:
dav1d 1.0. 200k LOC handwritten assembly. Don't know any other open or closed project that large. Faster than any compiler. Used by Android, Apple, Windows, Firefox, Chrome. Really really fast.
Updated #WebKit Adds Experimental WebCodecs #AV1, #dav1d Decoder
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Freier #AV1-Decoder #Dav1d erreicht Version 1.0
Dank #Dav1d laufen AV1-Inhalte auf #Android-#Smartphones, der #PS4 oder in Ciscos Webex. Die wichtigsten Funktionen hat das Team nun umgesetzt. ...
#videolan #av1 #dav1d #android #smartphones #ps4
Yes, after a month of work, I finally managed to merge the #avif / #heif branch!
It has full color profile support and everything! This was an insane amount of work, especially research and I felt I was going mad at some points.
Krita's appimages and other binaries will be building libheif with #rav1e and #dav1d, which means that mere mortals will be able to save avif without needing a fancy computer at cost of a little quality.
#av1 #krita #dav1d #rav1e #heif #avif
'"#dav1d as gotten enough performance improvement in the past few months that now if you know you have 4 cores and a 1080p screen it can play #AV1 just fine, even up to 60 frame per second not every machine, but enough that we rolled this out by default" -Steven Robertson @YouTube'
i'm so impressed we made this #av1 video encoding spec that's so good at encoding that modern cpu's can barely hold 1080p 60fps at it.
Интересный декодировщик dav1d видео формата AV1, в версии 0.3 он еще быстрее. Обещают поддержку в Firefox 67. Посмотрел, оказывается в кальке он и так с ним собирается, USE флаг system-av1 прописан. Осталось 0.3.0 размаскировать. Может когда-нибудь наконец старенький ноут перестанет лагать на ютубовских видео. #firefox #calculatelinux #av1 #dav1d
#dav1d #av1 #calculatelinux #firefox
[#Actu] « Dav1d is An AV1 Decoder » #Audiovisuel #dav1d #av1
#actu #audiovisuel #dav1d #av1