Touch Symposium Supermodels for #SaintLaurent x #HediSlimane : Mr. Aitel, Mudge, Oxblood Ruffin, Steve Bellovin
#menswear #ysl #yvessaintlaurent #fashion #style #daveaitel #mudge #oxbloodruffin #stevebellovin
#stevebellovin #oxbloodruffin #mudge #daveaitel #style #fashion #yvessaintlaurent #ysl #menswear #hedislimane #saintlaurent
Our Touch Symposium Supermodels are back for Jean Paul Gaultier Exhibition : Mr. Aitel, Oxblood Ruffin, Mudge, Steve Bellovin
#menswear #fashion #paris #JeanPaulGaultier #JPG #daveaitel #oxbloodruffin #mudge #stevebellovin
#stevebellovin #mudge #oxbloodruffin #daveaitel #jpg #JeanPaulGaultier #paris #fashion #menswear
Touch Symposium became official at #HackASat in 2020: Caroline and Mudge asked Dave to join their board of trustees. The rest is history.
#elite #hackers #touchsymposium💅 #mudge #peiterzatko #daveaitel
#daveaitel #PeiterZatko #mudge #touchsymposium #hackers #elite #hackasat