Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1069 followers · 4031 posts · Server mas.to

It makes me sad, frustrated, *angry*. We live on a beautiful planet. It is unique. It gives us everything. There really is no planet B. Surely we have a duty of care for all the creatures that live on it, big and small. Looking after our planet must be our top priority. It should be our politican’s top priority. Without insects, without nature, there will be no economic growth, there will be no economy. Without nature, nothing else will matter.”



#davegoulson #climateemergency #insects

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1069 followers · 4031 posts · Server mas.to

Our *civilization*, our children’s health and wellbeing, and the future of much of the life that remains on our planet, hangs in the balance. For at least thirty years it has been painfully obvious that we are heading for disaster, yet our response has been woefully inadequate. Successive governments have abjectly failed to grasp the importance of the threat we face.


#davegoulson #climateemergency #insects

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1069 followers · 4031 posts · Server mas.to

More broadly, we are in the sixth *mass extinction* event, with species going extinct faster than they have for 65 million years, since a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs. Every day, every hour, species go extinct. Drip by drip, the lifeblood of our planet is draining away.

So what is our *government* doing about it? Nothing useful.


#davegoulson #climateemergency #insects

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1069 followers · 4031 posts · Server mas.to

Sadly, insect populations are in rapid *decline*. In Germany, the biomass of flying insets fell by 76% over just 27 years. Here in the UK, insect abundance has fallen by 60% in 20 years. The ranges of butterflies have shurnk by over 40% since 1976.


#davegoulson #climateemergency #insects

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1069 followers · 4031 posts · Server mas.to

Insects are *hugely* important—they are food for many larger creatures such as birds and bats, they help to control crop pests, they recylce dung, dead bodies, leaves and so on, help to keep the soil healthy, and of course they pollinate wildflowers and 75% of our crops. The world would grind to a halt without insects. Love them or loathe them, we need insects.


#davegoulson #climateemergency #insects

Last updated 2 years ago

Jake Rayson · @natureworks
1067 followers · 4022 posts · Server mas.to

gave a speech about at demo on Saturday 22nd April. This is the text:

”I’ve got 5 minutes to talk to you about *insects*. I love insects, always have. Let me tell you a bit about them. Insects have been around for 480 million years, that means they are twice as old as the oldest dinosaurs. They’ve survived the previous 5 mass extinction events.


#climate #thebigone #insects #davegoulson

Last updated 2 years ago

« Insectes : s’ils disparaissent, nous disparaissons »

Bravo à @libe de cette une et de cet événement ! Pour moi, l’effondrement de l’ (les ) c’est l’alerte sur la la plus grave ! Ça doit tous nous mobiliser. C’est du sérieux ! achetez le Libé de mercredi 12 avril. Et moi, je fais un piratage que je fais rarement : voici tout l’entretien avec .

«Un monde sans insectes, ce serait une catastrophe» liberation.fr/environnement/bi

#entonomofaune #insectes #biodiversite #davegoulson

Last updated 2 years ago

– 2019 : le journaliste @sfoucart publie un livre-enquête « Et le monde devint silencieux » (dispo en poche)
– 2023 : le biologiste publie « Terre silencieuse »

Le thème est le même : l’effondrement de l’ ; les titres sont presque identiques

C’est la menace la plus grave sur la biodiversité, j’en suis convaincu, et tout en dépend. L’humanité sera-t-elle capable de réagir ? On en doute hélas ! (je suis tellement pessimiste) On n’en prend pas le chemin.

#stephanefoucart #davegoulson #entomofaune

Last updated 2 years ago

Joletaxi · @Joletaxi
169 followers · 431 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk
Gino Brignoli · @gino
368 followers · 144 posts · Server ecoevo.social
Eule · @carinju
44 followers · 47 posts · Server norden.social

Vermutlich eine bunte war zu Besuch auf weiß-rosa blühendem Leinkraut in meinem Garten. Dieses Leinkraut ist sehr beliebt bei den . Es sät sich problemlos wieder aus, wenn man die Samen reifen lässt. Wer schützen will, braucht Nektar-und Bestäuberpflanzen. Auf jedem Balkon, in jedem Garten und in jeder freien Ecke kann etwas für die bedrohten Wildbienenarten getan werden.

#fotomontag #wildbienen #hummeln #bumblebees #davegoulson #bunteblattschneiderbiene #artenschutz

Last updated 2 years ago

Petra Wiemann · @ElementaresLesen
78 followers · 88 posts · Server troet.cafe

zum : Stumme Erde von Dave Goulson. Der britische Entomologe beschreibt ausführlich die Ursachen des Insektensterbens und gibt Tipps zur Förderung der . Das Buch ist weniger polemisch und weniger humorvoll als seine früheren Bücher. Ein eindringlicher Appell an uns alle, die Insekten zu retten!


#stummeerde #davegoulson #sachbuch #artensterben #insekten #biodiversität #Insektenschwund #Sachbuchtipp

Last updated 3 years ago