Have you used "Gates of Shabbat: Shaarei Shabbat" from #CCAR and the #ReformJewish movement? It is Reform Judaism's classic how-to guide about Shabbat observance and practices. This book is about Shabbat -- the Jewish treasure that comes around every seven days. In the midst of our freedom, Shabbat offers roots and inspiration along with joy and hope.
#ccar #reformjewish #tefila #daven #davening
Have you davened from Mishkan Hanefesh? This is the newest #mahzor from #ReformJudaism
In your view, how does it compare to the classic Reform prayerbook, Gates of Repentance? Or to the Conservative movement's Mahzor Lev Shalem? Or to the Modern Orthodox mahzor from Koren?
#mahzor #reformJudaism #tefila #daven #davening #roshhashanah #yomkippur
Have you davened from Mishkan Tefila? This is the newest #siddur from #ReformJudaism
In your view, wow does it compare to the classic Reform prayerbook, Gates of Prayer? To the Conservative movement's Siddur Sim Shalom, or the #ModernOrthodox Koren Sacks Siddur?
#siddur #reformJudaism #modernorthodox #tefila #daven #davening
To learn how to sing the opening of the Amidah with the Imahot (matriarchs) see this resource
#singing #Jewish #Imahot #ReformJudaism #ConservativeJudaism #Hadar #TradEgal #Masorti #Reconstructionist Judaism #daven #davening #tefila
#singing #jewish #imahot #reformJudaism #conservativejudaism #hadar #tradegal #masorti #reconstructionist #daven #davening #tefila
Why should we pray? In Judaism one can see several schools of thought about this: The social approach; Rationalist; Mystical; and Educational. We take a look at these different points of view here
#Jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewish #Judaism #Jews #Siddur #Tefila #Amidah #Prayer #Daven #Davening
#jewdiverse #Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #siddur #tefila #amidah #prayer #daven #davening