#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. #DaveTatsuno, president of the #Japanese-American Citizens League of #SanFrancisco, and his family packing for evacuation. Evacuees of #Japanese ancestry will be housed in #WarRelocationAuthority centers for the duration. #Tatsuno was born in this country and was graduated from #theUniversityofCalifornia in 1936
#sanfrancisco #calif #davetatsuno #japanese #warrelocationauthority #tatsuno #theuniversityofcalifornia
#SanFrancisco, #Calif. Apr. 1942. #DaveTatsuno, president of the #Japanese-American Citizens League of #SanFrancisco, re-reading college notes as he packs for evacuation and housing in a War Relocation Authority center for the duration of the war. He was graduated from the #University in 1936. He was born in #theUnitedStates and his father operated a drygoods business in #SanFrancisco for 40 years
#sanfrancisco #calif #davetatsuno #japanese #university #theunitedstates