Today, may I not be so focused on future hopes and pursuits that I fail to see the miraculous beauty of right now.
#davethoughts #powerofnow #positivity #lovelife #beauty #joy #hope #vibration #vibratehigher
#davethoughts #powerofnow #positivity #lovelife #beauty #joy #hope #vibration #vibratehigher
Say this with me:
I invite calm in the storms.
I invite peace in the chaos.
I invite hope in the despair.
I invite joy in the sorrow.
I open all of my senses to the experience of the miracles of life.
I am beautiful.
I am worthy.
I am accepted.
I am not alone.
I release yesterday.
I release anxiety.
I release unforgiveness.
I release rage and anger.
I matter.
I am filled with purpose.
I am open to receive.
#positiveaffirmations #positivevibes #positivity #davethoughts
#positiveaffirmations #positivevibes #positivity #davethoughts
Only those who have failed most miserably, know just how deep grace flows.
#MyQuotes #davethoughts
I love the change of time. The trees let go of their leaves, critters settle into hibernation, the daylight hours shorten as if the universe is saying "it's okay to rest yourself, it's time to prepare for a new season."
#MyQuotes #davethoughts
Once meditation is fully formed in you, you won't think about letting go of yesterday, you simply will not hold onto it. You won't have to think about being aware, you simply will be. You won't work to conquer anxiety, you will become anxious for nothing. You won't think about achieving peace, you will walk in peace. Meditation is about letting all of these things you search for become your nature. #davethoughts #meditation #higherself #philosophy #vibration #peace #centeredness
#davethoughts #meditation #higherself #philosophy #vibration #peace #centeredness