David Ayer calls Hollywood's version of 'Suicide Squad' his biggest heartache #DavidAyer #Hollywood #SuicideSquad #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #SuicideSquad #Hollywood #davidayer
A ver si el problema va a ser, realmente, que los cineastas no han entendido siquiera lo que están adaptando.
Digo yo, vaya. Porque eso de decir que DC es oscura... Solo lo puede decir alguien que en su vida ha leído DC.
Todo esto obviando que primero dice que se respete la autoría, y luego va y dice que hay que respetar la marca.
Tengo la sensación de que David Ayer no es el alumno más listo de la clase, la verdad.
#dc #davidayer #suicidesquad #warner #cine
El Director #DavidAyer desde su cuenta de X (Ex-Twitter) desmiente el rumor que aseguraba había hablado con #JamesGunn asegurando que pronto veríamos su corte de la película de #SuicideSquad! Gente investiguen antes de divulgar tremenda información!
#ReleaseTheAyerCut #DCStudios
#davidayer #jamesgunn #suicidesquad #releasetheayercut #dcstudios
Wife finally made me watch #DavidAyer's #BrightMovie last night. It made me glad I've never seen Ayers's #SuicideSquadMovie.
#suicidesquadmovie #brightmovie #davidayer
#hottake for a cold morning: I feel like #DavidAyer's #SuicideSquad #movie gets a lot of unjustified flack. While not the best #DCEU entry, it's not an entirely bad movie, especially when you consider the Extended Cut, which I feel did a better job with editing the sequence of scenes.
That said, #JamesGunn's sequel-reboot, #TheSuicideSquad, was a definite improvement.
#hottake #davidayer #suicidesquad #movie #dceu #jamesgunn #thesuicidesquad
#firstpost #twittermigration #dietrichthrall #beautyinthesuffering #lordsofacid #pragakhan #thebanishment #georgelynch #zacksnyder #davidayer #comics #horror #film #production
#firstpost #twittermigration #dietrichthrall #beautyinthesuffering #lordsofacid #pragakhan #thebanishment #georgelynch #zacksnyder #davidayer #comics #horror #film #production
Review Recollection: 'Harsh Times' (2005) http://hub.me/am5uo While everyone is still arguing over whether Suicide Squad and Bright are good films or not, dive into his first directorial effort, "Harsh Times," and remember the time Christian Bale ruined turkey basters for everybody. #HarshTimes #moviereview #reviewrecollection #DavidAyer #ChristianBale #FreddyRodriguez #EvaLongoria #crime #movies #TheWeinsteinCompany
#theweinsteincompany #harshtimes #moviereview #reviewrecollection #davidayer #christianbale #freddyrodriguez #evalongoria #crime #movies