One of my favorite early #DrivinNCryin songs, continually evolving from #songwriter #KevnKinney. New solo album out this Friday. Players on this track include #PeterBuck (#rem) #BradMorgan (#DriveByTruckers) #DavidBarbe (#Sugar #Mercyland) #LaurJoamets (#Lore #SturgillSimpson)
#ScarletButterfly Album even has the late great #ColBruceHampton, another #Atlanta imported treasure.
#atlanta #colbrucehampton #scarletbutterfly #sturgillsimpson #lore #laurjoamets #mercyland #sugar #davidbarbe #drivebytruckers #bradmorgan #rem #peterbuck #kevnkinney #songwriter #drivinncryin
Happy #BandcampFriday!
Check out these fine humans:
Ridiculously nice dude #EricAmbel #Roscoe
The band who played my belated 40th birthday, #ChickasawMuddPuppies
& 2 releases from 1990-91 coming out in Jan, remastered by #DavidBarbe #BillBerry #WhiteDirt #8TrackStomp
So many great things for #Squalls this year
My faves #WhitmoreSisters #BonnieWhitmore #EleanorWhitmore
#eleanorwhitmore #bonniewhitmore #whitmoresisters #Squalls #8trackstomp #whitedirt #billberry #davidbarbe #chickasawmuddpuppies #roscoe #ericambel #BandcampFriday
I've always liked David Barbe's contributions to Sugar, and I've always wondered how Sugar might have evolved as a band if Bob hadn't flamed out.
I've also always secretly wondered if part of the reason Bob blew the band up was because he didn't want to be in another competing-for-songs situation once David started writing songs on FU:EL. (I really need to read Bob's book one of these days) #nowplaying #np #tootradio #sugar #davidbarbe #1990s
#1990s #davidbarbe #sugar #tootradio #np #nowplaying