David Brooks on life after cancer, captaining Bournemouth and his call-up for Wales 🏴🍒 #AfcBournemouth #bournemouth #DavidBrooks #football #PremierLeague #PremierLeagueBournemouth #SkySports #SkySportsFootball #SkySportsPremierLeague #video #vlog #YouTube
#afcbournemouth #bournemouth #davidbrooks #football #premierleague #premierleaguebournemouth #skysports #skysportsfootball #skysportspremierleague #video #vlog #youtube
the glorious fury David Brooks unleashes from the blogosphere and social mediatites when he "writes" an editorial is like a meteor shower, you can't possibly look at them all, but damn if you don't wish you could?
Hey #DavidBrooks, when will your new bride turn 30? smdh
#trophywife #pfft
#pfft #trophywife #davidbrooks
#DavidBrooks is the archetype against which the phrase #OkayBoomer should be lobbed. So high on his own supply of "the good ol days", and utterly devoid of any measure of introspection or ability to learn.
#marriage #davidbrooks
Big Yuck: Columnist David Brook playing life coach at #NYTimes
(Is that mean?)
#davidbrooks #nytimes #marriage
Someone else finally understands my unabashed loathing of #davidbrooks!
I'm sorry that David Brooks is just now noticing that Americans can be mean. I really am.
I suspect, though, that if he'd asked, oh, say, people of color, LGBTQ ones, immigrants, native Americans, etc., he'd have found long since that the American mean streak is nothing new. It just feels entitled to show itself without apology right now.
Straight white men surely do seem to need a not of educating. From those they've long ignored….
Some days, the only thing keeping me going is the promise and potential of outliving #davidbrooks
3) is the #2024Election a contest between morality vs amorality?
#DavidBrooks of the #NYTimes certainly thinks so
#USPolitics #Politics #Elections
#2024election #davidbrooks #nytimes #uspolitics #politics #elections
Well said: #Biden #Trump #DavidBrooks
‘I’d lost every bit of muscle’: #DavidBrooks on cancer and return to football -
@dangillmor Thank you for articulating this. #DavidBrooks & #MaggieHaberman & others should not be allowed in the vicinity of a keyboard or a microphone. The #NYTimes is a #disgrace
#davidbrooks #maggiehaberman #nytimes #disgrace
The Architects of the #IraqWar: Where Are They Now? They’re all doing great, thanks for asking.
#iraqwar #georgewbush #dickcheney #donaldrumsfeld #colinpowell #johnbolton #CondoleezzaRice #davidfrum #davidbrooks #jeffreygoldberg #judithmiller #joebiden
David Brooks is in his heaven, and all's right with our world — could we but see this. This is a fundamental assumption of a LOT of mainstream media types who tout their "objectivity" as they lead privileged lives in protected bubbles.
My big beef with Brooks and his ilk: they will never admit how complicit they are in bringing Trump to us, even as they try to get the stink of Trump off them and their party.
#DavidBrooks #media #journalists #Republicans
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#davidbrooks #media #journalists #republicans
As Jared Yates Sexton notes, a recurring insistence in David Brooks's cultural-political analysis is this:
"We need to put our suffering and discontent into David Brooks’s lens. From his luxury abode to his luxury job to his luxury habits to his luxury relationships. It looks good from there. The Big Picture. The Big Purpose. Which is to keep David Brooks’s life humming along just as it should."
(1 of 2)
In a sense Santos is a sad, farcical version of where Donald Trump has taken the Republican Party — into the land of unreality, the continent of lies. Trump’s takeover of the G.O.P. was not primarily an ideological takeover, it was a psychological and moral one. I don’t feel sorry for Trump the way I do for Santos, because Trump is so cruel. But he did introduce, on a much larger scale, the same pathetic note into our national psychology. -#davidbrooks #santos #republicans
#davidbrooks #santos #republicans
All politicians — perhaps all human beings — embellish. But what Santos did goes beyond that. He fabricated a new persona, that of a meritocratic superman. He claims to be a populist who hates the elites, but he wanted you to think he once worked at Goldman Sachs. Imagine how much inadequacy you’d have to feel to go to all that trouble. #davidbrooks #santos #lies #republicans
#davidbrooks #santos #lies #republicans
Biden’s America Finds Its Voice #biden
Again, #davidBrooks ....
Goeie. Geen zweverig gedoe maar overtuigend vanuit onderzoek, jarenlange ervaring en uitvoerige analyse. Leerzaam en inspirerend.
#nyt #davidbrooks
OpenAI's ChatGPT has achieved "mediocre-human parity," which is apparently a big deal. The dawn of mediocre computing has arrived. #mediocrityiswinning #AI #crypto #DavidBrooks
#davidbrooks #crypto #ai #mediocrityiswinning
Just a brief comment on the odious and unendurable David Brooks (inexplicably still writing for the NY Times)
Without even addressing how cringe-inducing his dweebishly self-aggrandizing “hep cat fan boy” posing is a waste of time, ink, paper, photons, and neural activity,
a 61-year-old who insists on calling themselves “middle-aged” simply isn’t addressing reality. (I’m 67, and even I know better.)
“Hello, fellow kids” doesn’t begin to address it.